

python Programming Glossary: is_valid

Django edit form based on add form?


req if req.method 'POST' form ArticleForm req.POST if form.is_valid article form.save commit False article.author req.user # more.. unless the user edited everything . I can just remove the is_valid check but then form.save fails instead. If the form actually.. form ArticleForm request.POST instance article if form.is_valid form.save # If the save was successful redirect to another..

Correct approach to validate attributes of an instance of class


spam object 2. check data on __init__ method 3. create an is_valid method on Spam class and call it with spam.isValid 4. create.. on Spam class and call it with spam.isValid 4. create an is_valid static method on Spam class and call it with Spam.isValid description..

Django: How to override unique_together error message?


I have a ModelForm based on this model. When I call is_valid on this ModelForm an error will automatically raised if unique_together..

Django: Model Form “object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'”


request.method POST form SearchForm request.POST if form.is_valid form SearchForm request.POST stitle form.cleaned_data 'title'.. reason you're re instantiating the form after you check is_valid . Forms only get a cleaned_data attribute when is_valid has.. is_valid . Forms only get a cleaned_data attribute when is_valid has been called and you haven't called it on this new second..

ValueError: Too many values to unpack Django


packages django contrib auth views.py in login 35. if form.is_valid File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages django forms forms.py.. local lib python2.7 dist packages django forms forms.py in is_valid 121. return self.is_bound and not bool self.errors File usr..