

python Programming Glossary: is_active

Getting “Permission denied” page in the admin, while user has permission


username first_name last_name email password is_staff is_active is_superuser last_login date_joined 135 admingrandest..

flask-login can't understand how it works


active def is_authenticated self return True def is_active self return True def is_anonymous self return False def get_id.. True self.name name self.id id self.active active def is_active self # Here you should write whatever the code is # that checks..

Python&PyGTK: Stop while on button click


of GtkButton The closest thing to an is_clicked method is is_active and you'll find that in toggle buttons. Here's an example of..

create row of date while creating superuser


'Parent Location' max_length 100 null True blank True is_active models.BooleanField 'Is Active' default True def location_title.. kwargs if instance.is_superuser and not instance.location.is_active instance.location.is_active True instance.location.save post_save.connect.. and not instance.location.is_active instance.location.is_active True instance.location.save post_save.connect location_title..

how to add <div> tag instead of <li>


type_selection Types.objects.filter parent_type_id type_id is_active True for type_selection in type_selection initial_val.append..

Customizing an Admin form in Django while also using autodiscover


. Here's how I recently added filtering Users on is_active in the admin n.b. is_active filtering is now on the User model.. added filtering Users on is_active in the admin n.b. is_active filtering is now on the User model by default in Django core.. MyUserAdmin UserAdmin list_filter UserAdmin.list_filter 'is_active' admin.site.unregister User admin.site.register User MyUserAdmin..

django auto filling some data based on model attribute


False unique_for_year True content models.TextField is_active models.BooleanField published_at models.DateTimeField 'Publish..

Multiple decorators for a view in Django: Execution order


two decorators one for checking login and one for checking is_active. The first one is the built in @login_required and the second.. active_required function dec user_passes_test lambda u u.is_active ' notallowed' '' return dec function Now the decorators..