

python Programming Glossary: iris

Save NaiveBayes classifier to disk in Scikits learn


from Scikits learn website from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB.. website from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB gnb GaussianNB y_pred.. import GaussianNB gnb GaussianNB y_pred gnb.fit iris.data iris.target .predict iris.data print Number of mislabeled..

What are the correct usage/parameter values for HoughCircles in OpenCV for Iris detection?


miss read your question You actually want to find the iris edges. They are not so clearly defined as the pupils. So we.. We can do this by Specifying a size range for the iris we can work out a plausible range from the pupil size . Increasing.. the minimum distance between circle centres we know two irises can never overlap so we can safely set this to our minimum..

How to calculate precision, recall and F-score with libSVM in python


import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_iris # prepare dataset iris load_iris X iris.data 2 y iris.target.. from sklearn.datasets import load_iris # prepare dataset iris load_iris X iris.data 2 y iris.target X_train X_test y_train.. import load_iris # prepare dataset iris load_iris X iris.data 2 y iris.target X_train X_test y_train y_test train_test_split..

How do I resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' error with scikit-learn digits dataset?


this dataset for some reason it seems to work fine for the iris dataset using the code at the very bottom of the question. sorry.. fine... import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris iris_X iris.data iris_y iris.target np.unique.. as np from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris iris_X iris.data iris_y iris.target np.unique iris_y array 0..

Any easy way to plot a 3d scatter in Python that I can rotate around?


of the plots produced after applying a PCA to the iris dataset 1. mayavi 2. matplotlib Mayavi makes it easier to visualize..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


import cdist import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # load the iris dataset fName 'C Python27 Lib site packages scipy spatial tests.. 'C Python27 Lib site packages scipy spatial tests data iris.txt' fp open fName X np.loadtxt fp fp.close ##### cluster data..

Python machine-learning library?


sklearn suppplied data sets from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris # the call to load_iris loaded both the data.. data sets from sklearn import datasets iris datasets.load_iris # the call to load_iris loaded both the data and the class labels.. import datasets iris datasets.load_iris # the call to load_iris loaded both the data and the class labels so # bind each to..

What are the correct usage/parameter values for HoughCircles in OpenCV for Iris detection?


usage parameter values for HoughCircles in OpenCV for Iris detection I've been reading about the subject but cannot get.. function. There seems to be failing at finding the Iris' circle and I don't know why. And this is the function I'm working.. getRadius area r 1.0 r math.sqrt area 3.14 return r def getIris frame grayImg cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame 8 1 cv.CvtColor..

How do I resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' error with scikit-learn digits dataset?


y_train .score X_test y_test This is the code for the Iris dataset which seems to work fine... import numpy as np from..

Precomputed Kernels with LibSVM in Python


for example what is the basic precomputed kernel for Iris data In the libsvm documentation it is stated that For precomputed..

What is a good first-implementation for learning machine learning?


a problem you are interested in. Or use a classic like the Iris data set so you can compare your progress to published literature... your progress to published literature. You can find the Iris data set at http en.wikipedia.org wiki Iris_flower_data_set.. can find the Iris data set at http en.wikipedia.org wiki Iris_flower_data_set or http archive.ics.uci.edu ml datasets Iris..

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?


if cIDX i k s b a np.maximum a b return s def main # load Iris dataset data datasets.load_iris X data 'data' # cluster and..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


is an example of KMeans clustering applied on the 'Fisher Iris Dataset' 4 features 150 instances . We iterate over k 1..10.. 'Petal Length' plt.ylabel 'Sepal Width' plt.title 'Iris Dataset KMeans clustering with K d' K kIdx plt.legend plt.show..