

python Programming Glossary: io.open

Efficient reading of 800 GB XML file in Python 2.7


or use something from io like io.BufferedReader or io.open or io.TextIOBase. A point in the right direction would be much.. I've set it to 8 times the ElementTree read size. The io.open function represents the new Python 3 I O structure of objects.. of leaving that to the OS. You could try and see if io.open 'foo.xml' 'rb' buffering 2 16 is going to perform any better...

Python file.tell() giving strange numbers?


opening with 'a' on Python3 and on Python 2.7 when using io.open so it's fixed for the future anyway. So it seems like a wontfix..

Open() and codecs.open() in Python 2.7 behave strangely different


aware of it see issue 8260 . The other option is to use io.open instead of codecs.open the io library is what Python 3 uses..

Add columns to CSV while writing the CSV


os.error pass os.rename filename backupfilename readable io.open backupfilename mode buffering buffering encoding encoding errors.. os.O_BINARY fd os.open filename os_mode perm writable io.open fd w mode.replace 'r' '' buffering buffering encoding encoding..

How should I correctly handle exceptions in Python3


'sendTo' 'host' self._DATA 'sendTo' 'port' fileToSend io.open fileName rb result False result BasicConnection .sendMessage..

Python: Unicode and ElementTree.parse


element found line 1 column 0 The same thing happens using io.open 'filename.xml' encoding 'utf 8' to pass to ET.parse with io.open.. 'filename.xml' encoding 'utf 8' to pass to ET.parse with io.open 'test.xml' mode 'w' encoding 'utf 8' as fp ... fp.write source.decode.. 8' as fp ... fp.write source.decode 'utf 8' ... 150L with io.open 'test.xml' mode 'r' encoding 'utf 8' as fp ... fp.read ... u'..

python: TypeError: can't write str to text stream


credits or license for more information. import io f1 io.open 'test.txt' 'w' f1.write 'bingo' Traceback most recent call last.. string... if unicode is the issue how do I convert to what io.open requires python io share improve this question The io module.. 'b' in the mode string to open the file in binary mode f1 io.open 'test.txt' 'wb' Read the docs for the io module for more details..

What's the difference between io.open() and os.open() on Python?


the difference between io.open and os.open on Python I realised that the open function I've.. that the open function I've been using was an alias to io.open and that importing from os would overshadow that. What's the.. module io operating system share improve this question io.open is the preferred higher level interface to file I O. It wraps..