

python Programming Glossary: islice

Iterate over a string 2 (or n) characters at a time in Python


print op code A no copy version from itertools import izip islice for op code in izip islice s 0 None 2 islice s 1 None 2 print.. from itertools import izip islice for op code in izip islice s 0 None 2 islice s 1 None 2 print op code share improve this..

Sorting text file by using Python


line sorts using the file as an iterator combined with islice or similar to pick a batch . Write out to separate files elsewhere...

interleaving 2 lists of unequal lengths [duplicate]


yield next except StopIteration pending 1 nexts cycle islice nexts pending Demo list roundrobin xs ys 1 'hi' 2 'bye' 3 'no'..

Pairs from single list


decided to do some tests import time from itertools import islice izip def pairs_1 t return zip t 2 t 1 2 def pairs_2 t return.. pairs_2 t return izip t 2 t 1 2 def pairs_3 t return izip islice t None None 2 islice t 1 None 2 A range 10000 B xrange len A.. t 2 t 1 2 def pairs_3 t return izip islice t None None 2 islice t 1 None 2 A range 10000 B xrange len A def pairs_4 t # ignore..

Python how to read N number of lines at a time


perfect size . I have been reading about using itertools islice for this operation. I think I am halfway there from itertools.. I think I am halfway there from itertools import islice N 16 infile open my_very_large_text_file r lines_gen islice.. N 16 infile open my_very_large_text_file r lines_gen islice infile N for lines in lines_gen ...process my lines... The trouble..

Rolling or sliding window iterator in Python


Python docs with itertools examples from itertools import islice def window seq n 2 Returns a sliding window of width n over.. s0 s1 ...s n 1 s1 s2 ... sn ... it iter seq result tuple islice it n if len result n yield result for elem in it result result..

Python split string in moving window


window function that does just that from itertools import islice def window seq n 2 Returns a sliding window of width n over.. s0 s1 ...s n 1 s1 s2 ... sn ... it iter seq result tuple islice it n if len result n yield result for elem in it result result..