

python Programming Glossary: inverted

how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib


dcoord give the x and y coordinates of each three segment inverted U of the figure. In augmented_dendrogram this data is used to..

PIL merge of two images with alpha channels - not working as expected


you don't see the difference here are the alpha channels inverted for better visualization of the final versions. Expected result..

Is there a better way to store a twoway dictionary than storing its inverse separate? [duplicate]


I instead write a class Bijection dict which manages this inverted dictionary in addition and provides a second lookup function..

How to check for palindrome using Python logic


checking if the string representation of n equals the inverted string representation of n The 1 slice takes care of inverting..

How to make a bitwise NOR gate


Python: How can I use Twisted as the transport for SUDS?


. This is why things work better if the relationship is inverted. Instead of giving SUDS an HTTP client to play with give SUDS..

Finding blank regions in image


sections separately or together because the bounds of the inverted L shape will completely overlap the bounds of the single pixel...

Are there any radix/patricia/critbit trees for Python?


for Python I have about 10 000 words used as a set of inverted indices to about 500 000 documents. Both are normalized so the..

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


0 Note that I did the following changes The mask is now inverted. The white was replace with black and vis versa. I'm converting..