

python Programming Glossary: introspection

What is a metaclass in Python?


but this one is tricky. I know it has something to do with introspection but it's still unclear to me. So what are metaclasses What do.. you usually use metaclasses to do twisted stuff relying on introspection manipulating inheritance vars such as __dict__ etc. Indeed metaclasses..

Get __name__ of calling function's module in Python


in this case. How can this be done python stack trace introspection share improve this question Check out the inspect module..

what's the biggest difference between dir and __dict__ in python


'f' .... why there is not a 'f' in self.__dict__ python introspection share improve this question dir does much more than look..

Is there a function in Python to print all the current properties and values of an object?


the state of the object in question. python debugging introspection pretty print python datamodel share improve this question..

Can you list the keyword arguments a Python function receives?


arguments the a specific function takes python arguments introspection share improve this question A little nicer than inspecting..

Getting method parameter names in python


that printed a b when I call aMethod a b python decorator introspection python datamodel share improve this question In CPython..

How do I get the name of a function or method from within a Python function or method?


share improve this question The answers involving introspection via inspect and the like are reasonable. But there may be another..

How to get a variable name as a string in Python?


as a string but I don't know if Python has that much introspection capabilities. Something like print my_var.__name__ 'my_var'..

What's the best way to generate a UML diagram from Python source code? [closed]


code of Epydoc itself. Because Epydoc performs both object introspection and source parsing it can gather more informations respect to..

Python: How to get the caller's method name in the called method?


in this example the name is method1 in method2 python introspection share improve this question inspect.getframeinfo and other.. 'caller name ' calframe 1 3 ... f1 caller name f1 this introspection is intended to help debugging and development it's not advisable..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


returned function is decorated with attributes useful for introspection the function it's wrapping and what positional and named arguments..

Python code to get current function into a variable?


called using plac or something similar. python function introspection share improve this question The stack frame tells us what..

Getting the class name of an instance in Python


I'm not sure how to get at this information. python introspection instanceof python datamodel share improve this question ..

How can you print a variable name in python? [duplicate]


situation to update my code python dictionary variables introspection share improve this question If you insist here is some horrible..

Python Class Decorator


retrieving a variable's name in python at runtime?


can access variables and look which variables you have by introspection e.g. i 1 locals i 1 However because there are no pointers in..

How to find out the arity of a method in Python


functions including built ins expose their signature for introspection except via their docstring or optionally via annotations in..