

python Programming Glossary: invocations

Implementing __getitem__ in new-style classes


for new style classes For new style classes implicit invocations of special methods are only guaranteed to work correctly if..

Why is Python 3.x's super() magic?


super type self self or super self.__class__ self invocations found on Ohlo Code if any of that code was ever called from..

Read/Write Python Closures


return c x counter print x x x gives 1 2 3 in Python 3 invocations of counter give independent counters. Other solutions especially..

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


needs to be loaded from the disk and cached subsequent invocations are faster import numpy import time from os import urandom from..

Actual meaning of 'shell=True' in subprocess


and is platform dependent. Generally speaking avoid invocations via the shell. Invoking via the shell does allow you to expand.. of 1992 ish on network services which performed subprogram invocations via the shell. Examples include the various sendmail backdoors..

list of all paths from source to sink in directed acyclic graph [duplicate]


also allows you to save the memoization dictionary between invocations so if you need to compute the answer for multiple source and..

When is the `==` operator not equivalent to the `is` operator? (Python)


for any non null reference values x and y multiple invocations of x.equals y consistently return true or consistently return..

Python 2.6 GC appears to cleanup objects, but memory is not released


didn't notice persistent increases in memory usage. Some invocations of leakSomeMemory caused the memory footprint of the Python..

Running three commands in the same process with Python


World Hello World Compare that to the result of separate invocations of subprocess.call subprocess.call set TEST_VAR Hello World.. echo TEST_VAR shell True TEST_VAR 0 The latter two invocations can't see the environment set up by the first one as all 3 are..

PyCUDA/CUDA: Causes of non-deterministic launch failures?


that would cause intermittent launch failures on repeated invocations python cuda gpgpu pycuda share improve this question Have..

Python equivalent of Ruby's 'method_missing'


applies to fields too. I only want to intercept the method invocations. What is the Python way to do it python ruby oop metaprogramming..

Python functions and their __call__ attribute


the last paragraph . For new style classes implicit invocations of special methods are only guaranteed to work correctly if..