

python Programming Glossary: investigation

Python pandas, widen output display?


program like STATA to do basic data manipulation and investigation. Thanks. Python IDLE 2.7.3 Pandas 0.8.1 Notepad 6.1.4 UNICODE..

Print number in engineering format


will be given to it in the string representation. Further investigation shows the reason for this behaviour. Looking at the code itself..

South: Unknown command 'migrate'


with multiple versions of Python Django etc. Example of investigation of the main requirement python manage.py shell import os import..

Too many different Python versions on my system and causing problems


to clean and reinstall Python and the libraries. After investigation I found Python 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.2 on my system and each of them..

Why python finds module instead of package if they have the same name?


UPDATE I put it here for better formatting. For futher investigation do the following Remove root.pyc Rename root.py to root2.py..

Obfuscating python bytecode through interpreter mutation


files. Just launch the interactive interpreter and start investigation by importing and using dir on a module Note also that your package..

Using the Image.point() method in PIL to manipulate pixel data


putpixel and getpixel methods as the culprits. A little investigation i.e read the docs and I find Note that this method is relatively..

Which is best in Python: urllib2, PycURL or mechanize?


to download some web pages using Python and did a quick investigation of my options. Included with Python urllib seems to me that..

GetWindowRect too small on Windows 7


100 and right as 900 888 27 12 12 12 . RESOLUTION A bit of investigation turns up this . It's a thread from 2006 stating that you might..

File Manipulation: Scripting Question


that s gives size in bytes not blocks like du . On further investigation perl's s is equivalent to du b . You should probably read the..

Why can't I handle a KeyboardInterrupt in python?


foo INTERRUPTED #after pressing ctrl c EDIT Upon further investigation I tried what I believe is the example that others have used..

Numpy converting array from float to strings


that I could have done wrong to cause this Edit after investigation this appears to be due to the way the string function handles..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


having to build a modified one. Update From some initial investigation one can get the execution context with PyThreadState_Get . This..

Python rounding error with float numbers


results with delta 0.29 and delta 0.58 were missing. On investigation I noticed that the following Python code for idelta in range..

How can I speed up update/replace operations in PostgreSQL?


an indication of the most promising approaches for further investigation. The perftest.py script contains all updates as well for those..

Emacs Python: Echoing, Hooks and Org-mode


hook org mode share improve this question My brief investigation into this shows that python mode as found in my Emacs has no..