

python Programming Glossary: node

The Python yield keyword explained


it do For example I'm trying to understand this code def node._get_child_candidates self distance min_dist max_dist if self._leftchild.. is the caller result candidates list self while candidates node candidates.pop distance node._get_dist obj if distance max_dist.. list self while candidates node candidates.pop distance node._get_dist obj if distance max_dist and distance min_dist result.extend..

Python Linked List


list is either the empty list represented by None or a node that contains a cargo object and a reference to a linked list...

How to improve performance of this code?


if igap len formation 2 genn igap igap 2 return res class node def __init__ self a g p self.arrangement a self.g g self.parent.. Queue.PriorityQueue openlist.put heuristicf formation node formation 0 None closedlist while 1 try f current openlist.get.. pass else openlist.put current.g heuristicf neighbor node neighbor current.g 1 current #sorted openlist cmp lambda x y..

Reversing a regular expression in python


import re import string def traverse tree retval '' for node in tree if node 0 'any' retval 'x' elif node 0 'at' pass elif.. string def traverse tree retval '' for node in tree if node 0 'any' retval 'x' elif node 0 'at' pass elif node 0 in 'min_repeat'.. retval '' for node in tree if node 0 'any' retval 'x' elif node 0 'at' pass elif node 0 in 'min_repeat' 'max_repeat' retval..

How to use xpath in Python?


res ctxt.xpathEval if len res 2 print xpath query wrong node set size sys.exit 1 if res 0 .name doc or res 1 .name foo print.. res 0 .name doc or res 1 .name foo print xpath query wrong node set value sys.exit 1 doc.freeDoc ctxt.xpathFreeContext Sample..

Circular dependency in Python


dependency in Python I have two files node.py and path.py which define two classes Node and Path respectively... referenced the Node object and therefore I had done from node.py import in the path.py file. However as of today I created..

Converting a String to Dictionary?


Help on function literal_eval in module ast literal_eval node_or_string Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing.. literal_eval node_or_string Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node.. or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures..

How to solve the “Mastermind” guessing game?


up using two more namedtuples again for clarity of code. Node collections.namedtuple 'Node' 'decision branches' Branch collections.namedtuple.. again for clarity of code. Node collections.namedtuple 'Node' 'decision branches' Branch collections.namedtuple 'Branch'.. result pV in partition V score decision .iteritems yield Node decision branches # Lazy evaluation The following function evaluates..

What is the benefit to using a 'get function' for a python class? [closed]


below what is the benefit of the getName function class Node object def __init__ self name self.name str name def getName..

Why are default arguments evaluated at definition time in Python?


doesn't behave as I expected. The code is as follows class Node object def __init__ self children self.children children The.. children The problem is that every instance of Node class shares the same children attribute if the attribute is.. if the attribute is not given explicitly such as n0 Node n1 Node id n1.children Out 0 25000176 id n0.children Out 0 25000176..

a general tree implementation in python


of the same class. This is a general n nary tree. class Node object def __init__ self data self.data data self.children def.. self obj self.children.append obj Then interact n Node 5 p Node 6 q Node 7 n.add_child p n.add_child q n.children __main__.Node.. self obj self.children.append obj Then interact n Node 5 p Node 6 q Node 7 n.add_child p n.add_child q n.children __main__.Node..

How to write the Visitor Pattern for Abstract Syntax Tree in Python?


how would I start writing it As far as I understand each Node in AST would have visit method that would somehow get called..

Python Linked List


a cargo object and a reference to a linked list. class Node def __init__ self cargo None next None self.car cargo self.cdr..

Formatting messages to send to socket.io node.js server from python client


liris websocket client . Here's is my working so far Node server io.sockets.on 'connection' function socket socket.on.. 'bla' print ws.recv print Closing connection ws.close Node console output debug client authorized info handshake authorized..

Circular dependency in Python


two files node.py and path.py which define two classes Node and Path respectively. Up to today the definition for Path referenced.. Up to today the definition for Path referenced the Node object and therefore I had done from node.py import in the path.py.. file. However as of today I created a new method for Node that references the Path object. I had problems when trying..