

python Programming Glossary: nodejs

Given the name of a Python package, what is the name of the module to import? [closed]


the language ships without a package manager. Ruby and Nodejs ship with full featured package managers Gem and Npm and have.. Npm makes publishing packages as easy as installing them. Nodejs arrived 2009 and already has 14k packages . The venerable Python..

Node vs python for creating RESTful webservices [closed]


between Twisted matrix in python and Express Framework in Nodejs. I have gone through several references Python REST framework.. stack over the other what should it be On one side Nodejs offers native async and non blocking I O features. But twistedmatrix..

How to install pip on windows?


languages that care about community do eg. Ruby with Gem Nodejs with Npm . More of this bitter rant at http stackoverflow.com..

Nodejs: Where or How to write complicated business logic?


Where or How to write complicated business logic Recently I..

Why do std::string operations perform poorly?


real 0m50.436s user 0m50.431s sys 0m0.488s in Javascript Nodejs 0.6.3 function test var x var limit 102 1024 while x.length.. sys 0m0.048s in C g Ofast It's not surprising that Nodejs performas better than Python or Java. But I expected libstdc.. I expected libstdc would give much better performance than Nodejs whose result really suprised me. #include iostream #include..

Running Python on Windows for Node.js dependencies


jquery node_modules contextify node C Progr am Files nodejs node_modules npm bin node gyp bin .. .. node_modules node gyp.. variable. gyp ERR stack at failNoPython C Program Files nodejs node_modules npm nod e_modules node gyp lib configure.js 113.. lib configure.js 113 14 gyp ERR stack at C Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules node gyp lib configure.js 82 11..

Does Django have a way to open a HTTP long poll connection?


do well with lots of long living connections . Nowadays nodejs socketio is pretty popular for this and it can even use WebSockets..

ab is erroring out with apr_socket_recv: Connection refused (61)
