

python Programming Glossary: nonetheless

What is the difference between Python's 'Extras' and 'site-packages' directories?


packages that are not part of core Python but that were nonetheless distributed with a given platform. For example OS X is distributed..

Reversing a sentence's word order by chunks


only has three words in this case but it is still reversed nonetheless. Now I've been able to replace the spaces and reverse everything..

Python - Zelle book uses eval(), is it wrong?


Python. Risking to invite the wrath and downvotes of SO I nonetheless decided to ask this question just in case. Please bear with..

Keyword argument in unpacking argument list/dict cases in Python


arguments are specified after the keyword argument but nonetheless the order œpositional arguments keyword arguments is always adhered..

Python packages installation in Windows


dev environment with all necessary libraries setup.. nonetheless try to build numpy or scipy yourself and you will understand..

Are accessors in Python ever justified?


not hard to find the source of the problem but irritating nonetheless and it just feels like an inelegant design. My solution was..

Why doesn't Python have static variables?


is a class. A trivially simple class perhaps but a class nonetheless def foo bar static my_bar # doesn't work if not my_bar my_bar..

Convert list of positions [4, 1, 2] of arbitrary length to an index for a nested list


might also be simpler and better. But this was fun to code nonetheless. import collections class NestedListIter object '''A mutable..

Complex foreign key constraint in SQLAlchemy


key has CASCADING options and is defined deferrable nonetheless. This carries some limitations. I quote the manual here Referential..

Adding a Method to an Existing Object


for it isn't builtin functionality but it is quite cool nonetheless. python oop monkeypatching share improve this question ..