

python Programming Glossary: nose

Python's unittest and dynamic creation of test cases [duplicate]


in dir and are callable but unittest's test detector nor nosetest executes them Ran 0 tests in ... Since I may be asking the.. this question For this you should use test generators in nose. All you need to do is yield a tuple with the first being a..

Running unittest with typical test directory structure


Python 2.6 and earlier now has test discovery built in so nose is no longer necessary if you want automated test discovery..

Python for a Perl programmer


mistakes which will appear as runtime errors. I recommend nose rather than the unittest framework that comes with the core..

Python Nose Import Error


Nose Import Error I can't seem to get the nose testing framework to recognize modules beneath my test script.. foo.dumb_true Both init .py files are empty If I run nosetests vv in the main directory where foo.py is I get Failure.. most recent call last File usr lib python site packages nose 0.11.1 py2.6.egg nose loader.py line 379 in loadTestsFromName..

Python - doctest vs. unittest


I use both doctest and a further unit testing framework nose taking the place of unittest. I use doctest for cases where..

Floating point equality in python


floating point share improve this question The nose library for python has nose.tools.assert_almost_equal and the.. improve this question The nose library for python has nose.tools.assert_almost_equal and the numpy library has numpy.allclose..

Python nose vs. unittest [closed]


nose vs. unittest closed What are the advantages and disadvantages.. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Python's nose library versus unittest. python unit testing nose share improve.. nose library versus unittest. python unit testing nose share improve this question Advantages You can write test..

I need a sample of python unit testing sqlalchemy model with nose


need a sample of python unit testing sqlalchemy model with nose Can someone show me how to write unit tests for sqlalchemy.. to write unit tests for sqlalchemy model I created using nose. I just need one simple example. Thanks. python unit testing.. example. Thanks. python unit testing testing sqlalchemy nose share improve this question You can simply create an in..

How to organize a relatively large Flask application?


forms by flask wtform. Unit testing with flask testing and nose. Easily deploy via fabric and mod_wsgi example included . i18n..

How can you suppress traces for failed test cases using Nose?


can you suppress traces for failed test cases using Nose I'm writing a test suit with nose and would like failing cases..

How do I see stdout when running Django tests?


You probably have some intermediate test runner such as Nose intercepting and storing stdout. Try either running the Django..

Nose unable to find tests in ubuntu


unable to find tests in ubuntu Is there any reason why Nose.. unable to find tests in ubuntu Is there any reason why Nose wouldn't be able to find tests in Ubuntu 9.04 I'm using nose..

Python nose test inheritance: load unit test fixtures from subclasses


which is the straightforward way it's what all Nose examples and tutorials show and it works. However the second.. unittest.makeSuite case for case in cases This is what Nose fails with. It tries to run the test methods first which obviously.. I haven't found any examples of this done anywhere and Nose's rather sparse and difficult to navigate documentation doesn't..

Python Nose Import Error


Nose Import Error I can't seem to get the nose testing framework..

Architecting from scratch in Python: what to use?


pypi unittest2 0.1.4 . Some people also like Nose http code.google.com p python nose which is an alternative test..

How do I get nose to discover dynamically-generated testcases?


python unit testing nose share improve this question Nose has a test generator feature for stuff like this. You write..

Is it possible to use Nose to run one test multiple times, concurrently?


it possible to use Nose to run one test multiple times concurrently Is it possible..

Running unit tests with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya?


unit tests with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya I'd like.. and rely on the maya.cmds module namespace. How can I run Nose tests from inside a running environment such as Maya python..

Problems using nose in a virtualenv


to run myenv bin python usr bin nosetests That should run Nose using the virtual environment's library set. share improve..