

python Programming Glossary: np.float32

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


np.array descritors responses np.arange len kp dtype np.float32 # kNN training knn cv2.KNearest knn.train samples responses.. False for h des in enumerate desc des np.array des np.float32 .reshape 1 128 retval results neigh_resp dists knn.find_nearest..

convert binary string to numpy array


struct.unpack '4f' my_data my_array np.array tple dtype np.float32 But it seems silly to create an intermediate tuple. Is there.. x00 x00 x80@' dtype ' f4' # or dtype np.dtype ' f4' or np.float32 on a little endian system which most computers are these days.. x00 x00 x80@' dtype ' f4' # or dtype np.dtype ' f4' or np.float32 on a big endian system array 4.60060299e 41 8.96831017e 44 2.30485571e..

Python Opencv SolvePnP yields wrong translation vector


5 8 pattern_points np.zeros np.prod pattern_size 3 np.float32 pattern_points 2 np.indices pattern_size .T.reshape 1 2 pattern_points..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


is a 2D numpy array of size 512 512 #filled with np.float32 values pyplot.show I am getting the output as expected. Now..

How do I write a 24-bit WAV file in Python?


import Sndfile Format sig np.array 0 1 0 1 0 dtype np.float32 f Sndfile 'test_pcm24.wav' 'w' Format 'wav' 'pcm24' 1 44100.. Sndfile 'test_pcm24.wav' sig f.read_frames f.nframes dtype np.float32 f.close # use contextlib.closing in real code scikits.audiolab..

2d convolution using python and numpy


the rows and H_c for the columns data np.zeros nr nc dtype np.float32 #fill array with some data here then convolve for r in range..

Is there a simple, elegant way to define Singletons in Python? [closed]


numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?


lines is uncommented before execution #s np.float64 1 #s np.float32 1 #s 1.0 for i in range 10000000 s s 8 s 2399232 print s print.. lines is uncommented before execution #s np.float64 1 #s np.float32 1 #s 1.0 for i in range 10000000 s s 8 s 2399232 print s print.. s 0 for i in range 10000000 s np.float64 1 # replace with np.float32 and built in float built in float 4.9 s float64 10.5 s float32..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


np import cv2 fn 'letter recognition.data' a np.loadtxt fn np.float32 delimiter ' ' converters 0 lambda ch ord ch ord 'A' samples.. np.append samples sample 0 responses np.array responses np.float32 responses responses.reshape responses.size 1 print training.. ############### samples np.loadtxt 'generalsamples.data' np.float32 responses np.loadtxt 'generalresponses.data' np.float32 responses..

Converting numpy dtypes to native python types


a native Python type import numpy as np type np.asscalar np.float32 0 # type 'float' type np.asscalar np.float64 0 # type 'float'..