

python Programming Glossary: np.min

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


self my_cm maplotlib.cm.get_cmap 'jet' normed_data data np.min data np.max data np.min data mapped_data my_cm normed_data which.. 'jet' normed_data data np.min data np.max data np.min data mapped_data my_cm normed_data which will give you back..

matplotlib color in 3d plotting from an x,y,z data set without using contour


5 cmap cm.jet linewidth 1 antialiased True ax.set_zlim3d np.min Z np.max Z fig.colorbar surf plt.show Please note that if you..

Plotting implicit equations in 3d


a b c fn x a y b z c def union fns return lambda x y z np.min fn x y z for fn in fns 0 def intersect fns return lambda x y..

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?


i # instances in other clusters one cluster at a time b i np.min np.mean D i ind for k ind in enumerate kIndices if cIDX i k.. cIDX order k for k in range K ytick np.max ind np.min ind 2 for ind in indices ytickLabels d x for x in range K cmap..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


in centroids cIdx np.argmin D axis 1 for D in D_k dist np.min D axis 1 for D in D_k avgWithinSS sum d X.shape 0 for d in dist.. in centroids cIdx np.argmin D axis 1 for D in D_k dist np.min D axis 1 for D in D_k tot_withinss sum d 2 for d in dist # Total..

Fast check for NaN in NumPy


use numpy.sum in place of numpy.min In 13 timeit np.isnan np.min x 1000 loops best of 3 244 us per loop In 14 timeit np.isnan.. In 40 x np.random.rand 100000 In 41 timeit np.isnan np.min x 10000 loops best of 3 153 us per loop In 42 timeit np.isnan.. us per loop In 43 x 50000 np.nan In 44 timeit np.isnan np.min x 1000 loops best of 3 239 us per loop In 45 timeit np.isnan..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


0 rgb ... 1 rgb ... 2 maxc np.max rgb ... 2 axis 1 minc np.min rgb ... 2 axis 1 hsv ... 2 maxc hsv ... 1 maxc minc maxc rc..

Python OpenCV - Find black areas in a binary image


img.. MaxIntensity np.max img regionMask MinIntensity np.min img regionMask # Mean Intensity MeanIntensity np.mean img regionMask..