

python Programming Glossary: np.random.random

How to speed up matplotlib when plotting and saving lots of figures?


20 # default is 20 TIME_LENGTH 1000 xcor_real_arr np.random.random SUB_PLT_NUM PLT_PAGE_NUM TIME_LENGTH xcor_imag_arr np.random.random.. SUB_PLT_NUM PLT_PAGE_NUM TIME_LENGTH xcor_imag_arr np.random.random SUB_PLT_NUM PLT_PAGE_NUM TIME_LENGTH for pp in xrange 0 PLT_PAGE_NUM.. 20 # default is 20 TIME_LENGTH 1000 xcor_real_arr np.random.random SUB_PLT_NUM PLT_PAGE_NUM TIME_LENGTH xcor_imag_arr np.random.random..

real-time plotting in while loop with matplotlib


plt.axis 0 1000 0 1 i 0 x list y list while i 1000 temp_y np.random.random x.append i y.append temp_y plt.scatter i temp_y i 1 plt.show..

2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python


ax 1 dx xs 1 xs 0 ys ax 2 dy ys 1 ys 0 def rdn return 1 1 np.random.random 1 points for i j v in np.ndenumerate ax 0 points.append xs i.. dx dy dz xs 1 xs 0 ys 1 ys 0 zs 1 zs 0 def rdn return 1 1 np.random.random 1 smart np.zeros bins bins bins dtype int for i1 j1 v1 in np.ndenumerate..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


False frame1.axes.get_yaxis .set_visible False plt.imshow np.random.random 10 10 buffer_ StringIO plt.savefig buffer_ format png bbox_inches..

Converting python objects for rpy2


rpy2 import numpy as np from rpy2.robjects import r data np.random.random 10 10 r.heatmap data However it results in the following error..

Reordering matrix elements to reflect column and row clustering in naiive python


1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 y_idxs 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 a np.random.random len x_idxs len y_idxs x_idxs2 xi zip sorted zip x_idxs range..

find nearest value in numpy array


idx np.abs array value .argmin return array idx array np.random.random 10 print array # 0.21069679 0.61290182 0.63425412 0.84635244..

Pretty-printing of numpy.array


to set the precision of the output import numpy as np x np.random.random 10 print x # 0.07837821 0.48002108 0.41274116 0.82993414 0.77610352.. the with suite precision 3 and suppress True are set x np.random.random 10 with printoptions precision 3 suppress True print x # 0.073..

Matplotlib: How to put individual tags for a scatter plot


numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N 10 data np.random.random N 4 labels 'point 0 '.format i for i in range N plt.subplots_adjust..

Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


rc rc 'mathtext' default 'regular' time np.arange 10 temp np.random.random 10 30 Swdown np.random.random 10 100 10 Rn np.random.random.. time np.arange 10 temp np.random.random 10 30 Swdown np.random.random 10 100 10 Rn np.random.random 10 100 10 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot.. 10 30 Swdown np.random.random 10 100 10 Rn np.random.random 10 100 10 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 lns1 ax.plot..

Filling gaps in a numpy array


numpy as np # setup shape 10 10 10 dim len shape data np.random.random shape flag np.zeros shape dtype bool t_ct int data.size 5 flag.flat..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


10 3000 100 y np.arange 10 3000 100 X Y np.meshgrid x y Z np.random.random X.shape 8000000 surf ax.contourf X Y Z 8 cmap plt.cm.jet ax.set_ylabel..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


your indeded code NCURVES 10 np.random.seed 101 curves np.random.random 20 for i in range NCURVES values range NCURVES fig plt.figure..

Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)


as np def generate_text_file length 1e6 ncols 20 data np.random.random length ncols np.savetxt 'large_text_file.csv' data delimiter..

Python : 2d contour plot from 3 lists : x, y and rho?


as plt import scipy.interpolate # Generate data x y z 10 np.random.random 3 10 # Set up a regular grid of interpolation points xi yi np.linspace..

NumPy vs. multiprocessing and mmap


First off let's generate some test data import numpy as np np.random.random 10000 .tofile 'data.dat' You can reproduce your errors with..