

python Programming Glossary: np.zeros

Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays


.dtype n np.prod x.size for x in arrays if out is None out np.zeros n len arrays dtype dtype m n arrays 0 .size out 0 np.repeat..

2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python


ys 0 zs 1 zs 0 def rdn return 1 1 np.random.random 1 smart np.zeros bins bins bins dtype int for i1 j1 v1 in np.ndenumerate ax1..

Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid


time .reshape len lats len lons len alts len time coords np.zeros len lats len lons len alts len time 4 coords ... 0 lats.reshape..

How to draw diagrams like this?


projection '3d' dim 10 X Y np.meshgrid dim dim dim dim Z np.zeros 2 2 angle .5 X2 Y2 np.meshgrid dim dim 0 dim Z2 Y2 angle X3.. .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1 ax.plot r np.sin th r np.cos th np.zeros M lw 5 linestyle ' ' color 'k' zorder 2 ax.plot_surface X2 Y2..

Python: How to read huge text file into memory


linecount # pre allocate array and load data into array m np.zeros linecount dtype 'a' np.uint32 'b' np.uint32 f.seek 0 f csv.reader..

2d convolution using python and numpy


with kernel H_r for the rows and H_c for the columns data np.zeros nr nc dtype np.float32 #fill array with some data here then..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


if qdim 1 q np.array q if self.wsum is None self.wsum np.zeros nnear self.distances self.ix self.tree.query q k nnear eps eps.. self.ix self.tree.query q k nnear eps eps interpol np.zeros len self.distances np.shape self.z 0 jinterpol 0 for dist ix..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


a win a a.swapaxes 2 i return a filtsize 3 3 a np.zeros 10 10 dtype np.float a 5 7 5 1 b rolling_window a filtsize blurred..

Fast tensor rotation with NumPy


usr bin env python import numpy as np def rotT T g Tprime np.zeros 3 3 3 3 for i in range 3 for j in range 3 for k in range 3 ..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


cluster sizes jiter np.bincount xtoc if verbose 2 r50 np.zeros k r90 np.zeros k for j in range k dist distances xtoc j if len.. jiter np.bincount xtoc if verbose 2 r50 np.zeros k r90 np.zeros k for j in range k dist distances xtoc j if len dist 0 r50..

Filling gaps in a numpy array


10 10 10 dim len shape data np.random.random shape flag np.zeros shape dtype bool t_ct int data.size 5 flag.flat np.random.randint..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


yedges 1 0.25 xpos xpos.flatten ypos ypos.flatten zpos np.zeros elements dx 0.5 np.ones_like zpos dy dx.copy dz hist.flatten..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


uniques in 1st col gmax 5000 #num uniques in 2nd col mat np.zeros nn 3 dtype 'object' mat 0 np.random.randint 0 cmax nn mat 1.. 10 numqrows 300000 #max number of ids of each kind results np.zeros numqs 3 for qq in range numqs qsize np.random.randint 1 numqrows..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


part ######################### im cv2.imread 'pi.png' out np.zeros im.shape np.uint8 gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY thresh..

Numpy: Should I use newaxis or None?


create an axis of length one e.g. import numpy as np print np.zeros 3 5 np.newaxis .shape # shape will be 3 1 5 The documentation..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


f.pt 1 int f.size 2 l_red 1 cv2.CV_AA h w orig.shape 2 vis np.zeros h w 2 5 np.uint8 vis cv2.cvtColor vis cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR vis..