

python Programming Glossary: numeric

Why is if not someobj: better than if someobj == None: in Python?


If the object has a __nonzero__ special method as do numeric built ins int and float it calls this method. It must either.. Generally I would recommend to use the first test with non numerical values to use the test for equality when you want to compare..

Large, persistent DataFrame in pandas


file. It had about 200 000 rows and 200 columns of mostly numeric data. With SAS I can import a csv file into a SAS dataset and..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


types continuous nominal and ordinal variables of both numeric and character data. I rarely append rows but I do perform many..

if x or y or z == blah


to the first argument that is 'truthy' e.g. not False numeric 0 or empty see boolean expressions for details on what Python..

Python List vs. Array - when to use?


However if you want to do math on a homogeneous array of numeric data then you're much better off using NumPy which can automatically..

Can you monkey patch methods on core types in python?


why you would want to alter the behavior of the built in numeric classes anyway. If you need to alter their behavior subclass..

convert integer to a string in a given numeric base in python


integer to a string in a given numeric base in python Python allows easy creation of an integer from..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


arithmetic expressions. Below I've rewrapped fourFn into a numeric parser class for easier reuse. from __future__ import division..

How to sort alpha numeric set in python


to sort alpha numeric set in python I have a set set 'booklet' '4 sheets' '48 sheets'..

How do I check if a string is a number in Python?


an extensive search of stack frames. The issue is that any numeric conversion function has two kinds of results A number if the..

A weighted version of random.choice


the second item is its weight. The weights can be any numeric values what matters is the relative differences between them...

Parse String to Float or Int


String to Float or Int In Python how can I parse a numeric string like 545.2222 to its corresponding float value 542.2222..

What's the easiest way to add commas to an integer in Python? [duplicate]


several others have suggested. The advantage is that then numeric output can be made to automatically follow the proper thousands..

In Python, how do I read the exif data for an image?


This should give you a dictionary indexed by EXIF numeric tags. If you want the dictionary indexed by the actual EXIF..

Handling very large numbers in Python


self.cardSuit This would give each hand a numeric value that through modulo could tell me how many kings are in..

Python: Sort a dictionary by value


read from 2 fields in a database a string field and a numeric field. The string field is unique so that is the key of the..

What does the Python Ellipsis object do?


objects there but its main and intended use is in in the numeric python extension which adds a multidimensional array type. Since.. you can actually write ... Ellipsis Other than the various numeric types no I don't think it's used. As far as I'm aware it was..

Why does 4 < '3' return True in Python 2?


Python faster than compiled Haskell?


use read . Replace read with a function like this import Numeric fastRead String Int fastRead s case readDec s of n n I get a..

Python simulate keydown


VK_SLEEP 0x5F # Computer Sleep key VK_NUMPAD0 0x60 # Numeric keypad 0 key VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 # Numeric keypad 1 key VK_NUMPAD2.. VK_NUMPAD0 0x60 # Numeric keypad 0 key VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 # Numeric keypad 1 key VK_NUMPAD2 0x62 # Numeric keypad 2 key VK_NUMPAD3.. VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 # Numeric keypad 1 key VK_NUMPAD2 0x62 # Numeric keypad 2 key VK_NUMPAD3 0x63 # Numeric keypad 3 key VK_NUMPAD4..

Using NumPy and Cpython with Jython


this question It's ironic considering that Jython and Numeric NumPy's ancestor were initiated by the same developer Jim Hugunin.. on sourceforge but the updated sources are on bitbucket . Numeric Python what jnumerical implements is not as slick and streamlined..

Maximum value for long integer


a practical limit. Taken from this site . See the docs on Numeric Types where you'll see that Long integers have unlimited precision..