

python Programming Glossary: numpy.frombuffer

Decode base64 string in python 3 (with lxml or not)


to do decoded source.decode 'base64' and finally output numpy.frombuffer decoded However on python 3 I get an error message saying AttributeError..

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


b numpy.fromstring bb dtype numpy.uint64 numpy.bitwise_xor numpy.frombuffer aa dtype numpy.uint64 b b return b.tostring code const __m128i.. pb _mm_xor_si128 xmm1 xmm2 pa pb def inline_xor aa bb a numpy.frombuffer aa dtype numpy.uint64 b numpy.fromstring bb dtype numpy.uint64.. res def inline_xor_nocopy aa bb real_size len aa a numpy.frombuffer aa dtype numpy.uint64 b numpy.frombuffer bb dtype numpy.uint64..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


text codecs.open filename encoding 'utf 8' .read a numpy.frombuffer text dtype dtype counts numpy.bincount a # pretty print counts..

Getting data from ctypes array into numpy


these ways you can create a NumPy array from buffer by a numpy.frombuffer buffer float I actually do not understand why you use .astype..

How to convert pointer to c array to python array


instance to c_double DataLength before passing it to numpy.frombuffer . Cython based solution Is there anyway to load the data from..