

python Programming Glossary: numpy.linspace

Legend not showing up in Matplotlib stacked area plot


import numpy a1_label 'record a1' a2_label 'record a2' a1 numpy.linspace 0 100 40 a2 numpy.linspace 30 100 40 x numpy.arange 0 len a1.. a1' a2_label 'record a2' a1 numpy.linspace 0 100 40 a2 numpy.linspace 30 100 40 x numpy.arange 0 len a1 1 plt.fill_between x 0 a1..

setup odes in python


def f u t x y u return x y e t x y 2 e t x0 y0 1.0 1.0 t numpy.linspace 0 4 50 python numpy ode share improve this question I guess..

Scipy interpolation how to resize/resample 3x3 matrix to 5x5?


x numpy.array 0 1 2 y numpy.array 0 1 2 z kernelIn xx numpy.linspace x.min x.max outKSize yy numpy.linspace y.min y.max outKSize.. 0 1 2 z kernelIn xx numpy.linspace x.min x.max outKSize yy numpy.linspace y.min y.max outKSize newKernel interpolate.RectBivariateSpline.. x numpy.array 0 1 2 y numpy.array 0 1 2 z kernelIn xx numpy.linspace x.min x.max outKSize yy numpy.linspace y.min y.max outKSize..

binning data in python with scipy/numpy


import numpy data numpy.random.random 100 bins numpy.linspace 0 1 10 digitized numpy.digitize data bins bin_means data digitized..

Plot two histograms at the same time with matplotlib


_ in range 400 y random.gauss 4 2 for _ in range 400 bins numpy.linspace 10 10 100 pyplot.hist x bins alpha 0.5 pyplot.hist y bins alpha..