

python Programming Glossary: numpy.arange

Numpy modify array in place?


operators etc. So for example def foo a ... a 10 ... a numpy.arange 10 a array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 foo a a array 10 11 12 13 14.. ... return imin imax imin array dmin dmax dmin ... a numpy.arange 10000 dtype 'f' timeit normalize_inplace a 10000 loops best.. normalize_copy a 10000 loops best of 3 146 us per loop a numpy.arange 1000000 dtype 'f' timeit normalize_inplace a 100 loops best..

Matrix from Python to MATLAB


the scipy.io.savemat function import numpy scipy.io arr numpy.arange 10 arr arr.reshape 3 3 # 2d array of 3x3 scipy.io.savemat 'c..

Closing pyplot windows


x_data B x_data C par_plot.set_ydata y_data draw x_data numpy.arange 100 100 0.1 fig plt.figure figsize plt.figaspect 0.75 ax fig.add_subplot..

How to make several plots on a single page using matplotlib?


y numbins 7 defaultreallimits 10 60 bins numpy.arange 10 60 10 print numpy.sum relpdf 0 print bins patches plt.bar..

Legend not showing up in Matplotlib stacked area plot


a1 numpy.linspace 0 100 40 a2 numpy.linspace 30 100 40 x numpy.arange 0 len a1 1 plt.fill_between x 0 a1 facecolor 'green' plt.fill_between..

Print the full numpy array


want the full array. Is there any way to do this Examples numpy.arange 10000 array 0 1 2 ... 9997 9998 9999 numpy.arange 10000 .reshape.. Examples numpy.arange 10000 array 0 1 2 ... 9997 9998 9999 numpy.arange 10000 .reshape 250 40 array 0 1 2 ... 37 38 39 40 41 42 .....

Numpy interconversion between multidimensional and linear indexing


index I think I would want to do something like linind numpy.arange 6 5 .reshape 6 6 6 6 6 This would give a look up for each multidimensional.. the index of each bin box_indices numpy.dot ndims numpy.arange ndims binassign The scalar product simply does 1 x0 5 x1 5 5..

What is the difference between 'log' and 'symlog'?


True # Numbers from 50 to 50 with 0.1 as step xdomain numpy.arange 50 50 0.1 # Plots a simple linear function 'f x x' pyplot.plot..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


pixel in the new image. import numpy scipy filtsize 3 a numpy.arange 100 .reshape 10 10 b numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape..

How to remove lines in a Matplotlib plot


to gc.collect from matplotlib import pyplot import numpy a numpy.arange int 1e7 # large so you can easily see the memory footprint on.. from matplotlib import pyplot import numpy weakref a numpy.arange int 1e3 fig pyplot.Figure ax fig.add_subplot 1 1 1 lines ax.plot..

Mapping a numpy array in place


a a.reshape 1 ... for i v in enumerate a ... a i f v ... a numpy.arange 25 .reshape 5 5 flat_for a lambda x x 5 a array 5 6 7 8 9 10.. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Some timings a numpy.arange 2500 .reshape 50 50 f lambda x x 5 timeit flat_for a f 1000.. loop It's about twice as fast as the nested loop version a numpy.arange 2500 .reshape 50 50 def nested_for a f ... for i in range len..