

python Programming Glossary: numpy.float32

How to use NumPy array with ctypes?


data numpy.array 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 data data.astype numpy.float32 data_p data.ctypes.data_as c_float_p share improve this answer..

In-place type conversion of a NumPy array


in place So basically I would like to do a a.astype numpy.float32 without copying the array. It is big. The reason for doing this..

How can I speed up an animation?


import window glumpy.Window 256 64 Z data.astype numpy.float32 t0 frames t 0 0 0 fig plt.figure figsize 7 7 ax plt.subplot..

numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?


using numpy.float64 is much slower than Python's float and numpy.float32 is even slower even though I'm on a 32 bit machine . numpy.float32.. is even slower even though I'm on a 32 bit machine . numpy.float32 on my 32 bit machine. Therefore every time I use various numpy.. run much faster as the memory is allocated and ready. Slow numpy.float32 vs. numpy.float64 It appears that numpy has 2 paths it can take..

How to profile PyCuda code with the Visual Profiler?


multiply_them a numpy.random.randn 400 .astype numpy.float32 b numpy.random.randn 400 .astype numpy.float32 dest numpy.zeros_like.. 400 .astype numpy.float32 b numpy.random.randn 400 .astype numpy.float32 dest numpy.zeros_like a multiply_them drv.Out dest drv.In a..

Benchmarking (python vs. c++ using BLAS) and (numpy)


m2 are set up like this m1 numpy.random.rand i i .astype numpy.float32 m2 numpy.random.rand i i .astype numpy.float32 1. Numpy The.. i i .astype numpy.float32 m2 numpy.random.rand i i .astype numpy.float32 1. Numpy The code used looks like this tNumpy timeit.Timer numpy.dot.. byref n the test code looks like this r numpy.zeros i i numpy.float32 tBlas timeit.Timer Mul m1 m2 i r import numpy from __main__..

How to synthesize sounds?


x freq 100 sample numpy.arange x 4096 x 1 4096 dtype numpy.float32 sample numpy.pi 2 44100 sample freq return numpy.sin sample..

Converting numpy dtypes to native python types


convert it to its closest python data type For example numpy.float32 python float numpy.float64 python float numpy.uint32 python..