

python Programming Glossary: numpy.random

Generating Discrete random variables with various weights using SciPy or NumPy


accumulate and random_sample . import numpy as np from numpy.random import random_sample def weighted_values values probabilities..

How to create a list of random integer vector whose sum is x


for i in RandomVector return RandomVector from numpy.random import multinomial import math def RandIntVec ListSize ListSumValue.. be between 0 and n. Then follow the recipe here . Or use numpy.random.multinomial as @Dougal helpfully suggested . share improve..

Understanding pandas dataframe indexing


1 1 Why Reproduction In 1 import pandas as pd In 2 from numpy.random import randn In 4 df pd.DataFrame randn 6 3 columns list 'ABC'..

Prepend a level to a pandas MultiIndex


some grouping import numpy as np import pandas as p from numpy.random import randn df p.DataFrame 'A' 'a1' 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' 'B' 'b1'..

Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set


use numpy's histogram2d function import numpy as np import numpy.random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Generate some test data x..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


_num from numpy import oldnumeric from numpy import from numpy.random import rand randn from numpy.fft import fft ifft from numpy.lib.scimath..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


examples pylab_examples griddata_demo.html from numpy.random import uniform seed from matplotlib.mlab import griddata import.. examples pylab_examples griddata_demo.html from numpy.random import uniform seed from matplotlib.mlab import griddata import..

Python Multiple Linear Regression using OLS code with specific data?


det from numpy import log pi sqrt square diagonal from numpy.random import randn seed import time class ols Author Vincent Nijs..

Possible to make labels appear when hovering over a point in matplotlib?


import figure show import numpy as npy from numpy.random import rand if 1 # picking on a scatter plot matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection..

How to synthesize sounds?


import numpy from numpy.fft import fft ifft from numpy.random import random_sample from alsaaudio import PCM PCM_NONBLOCK..

Matplotlib overlapping annotations


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import def get_text_positions x_data y_data txt_width txt_height..