

python Programming Glossary: numpy.uint8

Representing and solving a maze given an image


ensure the file is RGB image2d numpy.vstack itertools.imap numpy.uint8 pixels start end 402 985 398 27 print bfs start end image2d..

How to update image in tkinter label?


callback def onNeg self I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray numpy.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2 Label self.parent..

PySide: Separating a spritesheet / Separating an image into contiguous regions of color


'sprite_ d.png' im img.load m numpy.array mask dtype numpy.uint8 if join_interior m morphology.binary_fill_holes m lbl ncc label..

How to make a checkerboard in numpy?


of each checker square self.pix numpy.zeros w h 3 dtype numpy.uint8 # Make a checkerboard row 0x99 0x99 0x99 0xAA 0xAA 0xAA i sq..

How do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk?


get data from hardware. data numpy.zeros 1000000 dtype numpy.uint8 data.dump 'data.pkl' sys.stdout.write 'data.pkl' ' n' sys.stdout.flush.. get data from hardware. data numpy.zeros 1000000 dtype numpy.uint8 ##Note that this is NFG if there's a '10' in the array sys.stdout.write.. n' a numpy.fromstring proc.stdout.readline .rstrip dtype numpy.uint8 print a.shape proc.stdin.write 'done n' This is extremely slow..

Numpy: Joining structured arrays?


that should be faster. It converts everything to arrays of numpy.uint8 and does not use any temporaries. def join_struct_arrays arrays.. n len arrays 0 joint numpy.empty n offsets 1 dtype numpy.uint8 for a size offset in zip arrays sizes offsets joint offset offset.. zip arrays sizes offsets joint offset offset size a.view numpy.uint8 .reshape n size dtype sum a.dtype.descr for a in arrays return..

Scipy interpolation how to resize/resample 3x3 matrix to 5x5?


outKSize 5 kernelOut numpy.zeros outKSize outKSize numpy.uint8 x numpy.array 0 1 2 y numpy.array 0 1 2 z kernelIn xx numpy.linspace.. len kernelIn outKSize 5 kernelOut numpy.zeros outKSize numpy.uint8 x numpy.array 0 1 2 y numpy.array 0 1 2 z kernelIn xx numpy.linspace..

How to hash a large object (dataset) in Python?


hashlib import numpy a numpy.random.rand 10 100 b a.view numpy.uint8 print a.dtype b.dtype # a and b have a different data type float64..