

python Programming Glossary: numrows

Numpy meshgrid in 3D


x y z np.sin xx 2 yy 2 xx 2 yy 2 x asarray x y asarray y numRows numCols len y len x # yes reversed x x.reshape 1 numCols X x.repeat.. y len x # yes reversed x x.reshape 1 numCols X x.repeat numRows axis 0 y y.reshape numRows 1 Y y.repeat numCols axis 1 return.. x.reshape 1 numCols X x.repeat numRows axis 0 y y.reshape numRows 1 Y y.repeat numCols axis 1 return X Y It is fairly simple to..

Repeated host lookups failing in urllib2


def __init__ self outDir baseUrl item method numPages numRows semaphore threading.Thread.__init__ self self.outDir outDir.. baseUrl self.method method self.numPages numPages self.numRows numRows self.item item self.semaphore semaphore def run self.. self.method method self.numPages numPages self.numRows numRows self.item item self.semaphore semaphore def run self with self.semaphore..

Python code for Earth mover's Distance


calcEM hist1 hist2 h_bins s_bins #Define number of rows numRows h_bins s_bins sig1 cv.CreateMat numRows 3 cv.CV_32FC1 sig2 cv.CreateMat.. number of rows numRows h_bins s_bins sig1 cv.CreateMat numRows 3 cv.CV_32FC1 sig2 cv.CreateMat numRows 3 cv.CV_32FC1 for h.. sig1 cv.CreateMat numRows 3 cv.CV_32FC1 sig2 cv.CreateMat numRows 3 cv.CV_32FC1 for h in range h_bins for s in range s_bins bin_val..