

python Programming Glossary: numpy.empty

creating small arrays in cython takes a humongous amount of time


10 a numpy.random.random 10 a numpy.cumsum a a a 1 r numpy.empty 10 int print binary search creates an array N and performs N.. a u r ' sstr print time for just np.empty timeit.timeit 'numpy.empty 10 int ' sstr The binary search implementation takes in the..

Why is Python class not recognizing static variable


alphatbet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz def __init__ self pop numpy.empty popSize object target getTarget targetSize len target When the.. alphatbet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz def __init__ self pop numpy.empty self.popSize object target getTarget targetSize len target ..

Are NumPy's math functions faster than Python's?


loop lebigot@weinberg ~ python m timeit s 'import numpy a numpy.empty 1000 a.fill 3.15 ' 'numpy.abs a ' 100000 loops best of 3 6.47..

initialize a numpy array


a new array of given shape and type filled with ones. or numpy.empty Return a new array of given shape and type without initializing..

Numpy: Joining structured arrays?


offsets numpy.r_ 0 sizes.cumsum n len arrays 0 joint numpy.empty n offsets 1 dtype numpy.uint8 for a size offset in zip arrays..

Python: Making numpy default to float32


the standard numpy constructors so numpy.zeros numpy.ones numpy.empty . That should go pretty close to keeping everything in float32...

How to copy data from a numpy array to another


a pointer to my array that cannot change. For example a numpy.empty n dtype complex for i in xrange a.size a i b i It is possible.. python numpy share improve this question I believe a numpy.empty_like b a b will make a deep copy quickly. As Funsi mentions..