

python Programming Glossary: numpy.memmap

Working with big data in python and numpy, not enough ram, how to save partial results on disc?


numpy scipy bigdata share improve this question Using numpy.memmap you create arrays directly mapped into a file import numpy a.. create arrays directly mapped into a file import numpy a numpy.memmap 'test.mymemmap' dtype 'float32' mode 'w ' shape 200000 1000.. you have to close the previous one first using del del a b numpy.memmap 'test.mymemmap' dtype 'float32' mode 'r ' shape 200000 1000..

Is it possible to map a discontiuous data on disk to an array with python?


I posted another answer because for the example given here numpy.memmap worked offset 0 data1 np.memmap 'tmp' dtype 'i' mode 'r ' order..