

python Programming Glossary: numpy.asarray

Generating a 3D CAPTCHA [pic]


'c test.png' X Y numpy.meshgrid range sz 0 range sz 1 Z 1 numpy.asarray img 255 fig pylab.figure ax axes3d.Axes3D fig ax.plot_wireframe..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


for band1 band2 in zip img1.split img2.split b1 numpy.asarray band1 dtype numpy.double b2 numpy.asarray band2 dtype numpy.double.. img2.split b1 numpy.asarray band1 dtype numpy.double b2 numpy.asarray band2 dtype numpy.double # SSIM res smap ssim b1 b2 win2d m..

How to update image in tkinter label?


2 def setImage self self.img Image.open self.fn self.I numpy.asarray self.img l h self.img.size text str 2 l 100 x str h 50 0 0 self.parent.geometry..

numpy all differing from builtin all


on the generator expression From the documentation of numpy.asarray numpy.asarray a dtype None order None Convert the input to an.. expression From the documentation of numpy.asarray numpy.asarray a dtype None order None Convert the input to an array. Parameters..

Image embossing in Python with PIL — adding depth, azimuth, etc


img Image.open 'daisy.jpg' .convert 'L' # get an array a numpy.asarray img .astype 'float' # find the gradient grad numpy.gradient..

Numpy ?˜smart??symmetric matrix


the array are automatically symmetrized. return symmetrize numpy.asarray input_array .view SymNDArray # Example a symarray numpy.zeros..

Detecting thresholds in HSV color space (from RGB) using Python / PIL


errors import numpy Image i Image.open fp .convert 'RGB' a numpy.asarray i int R G B a.T m numpy.min a 2 .T M numpy.max a 2 .T C M m..

Finding k-nearest neighbors for a given vector?


the classification. knn kNN knn.classes set ys knn.xs numpy.asarray xs typecode knn.ys ys knn.k k return knn def calculate knn x.. of the class to the weight given to the class. x numpy.asarray x order # list of distance index if distance_fn for i in range..

Dump a NumPy array into a csv file


csv numpy share improve this question import numpy a numpy.asarray 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 numpy.savetxt foo.csv a delimiter share..