

python Programming Glossary: numpy

Python Numpy Very Large Matrices


if there is a way to create huge matrices natively in numpy say 1 million by 1 million in some way without having several.. without having several terrabytes of RAM python matrix numpy share improve this question PyTables and numpy are the way.. matrix numpy share improve this question PyTables and numpy are the way to go. PyTables will store the data on disk in HDF..

py2exe - generate single executable file


Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays


numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays I'm trying.. to do this. My function takes float values given a 6 dim numpy array as input. What I tried to do initially was this 1 First.. with all combinations of values from the two arrays from numpy import def comb a b c for i in a for j in b c.append r_ i j..

How can I attach a pyplot function to a figure instance?


example code from django.http import HttpResponse from numpy import arange meshgrid from matplotlib.mlab import bivariate_normal.. way to attach the contour pyplot function to fig1 python numpy matplotlib share improve this question You can create a..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


sundaram3 sieve_wheel_30 ambi_sieve requires numpy primesfrom3to requires numpy primesfrom2to requires numpy Many.. ambi_sieve requires numpy primesfrom3to requires numpy primesfrom2to requires numpy Many thanks to stephan for bringing.. numpy primesfrom3to requires numpy primesfrom2to requires numpy Many thanks to stephan for bringing sieve_wheel_30 to my attention...

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


in the model of letter_recog.py just for testing import numpy as np import cv2 fn 'letter recognition.data' a np.loadtxt fn.. file either KNearest or SVM python opencv numpy computer vision ocr share improve this question Well I decided.. i used for above purpose of course not so clean import numpy as np import cv2 im cv2.imread 'pitrain.png' im3 im.copy gray..

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


article Difference between Matrix Arithmetic in OpenCV and Numpy to know more. Contours returned are lists of Numpy arrays. You.. and Numpy to know more. Contours returned are lists of Numpy arrays. You can find a detailed discussion about Contours in..

Python Numpy Very Large Matrices


Numpy Very Large Matrices Numpy is an extremely useful library and.. Numpy Very Large Matrices Numpy is an extremely useful library and from using it I've found..

How do you use the ellipsis slicing syntax in Python?


in your own class since no builtin class makes use of it. Numpy uses it as stated in the documentation . Some examples here..

python image recognition [closed]


be read your images with with PIL transform them into Numpy arrays use Scipy 's image filters linear and rank morphological..

Numpy meshgrid in 3D


meshgrid in 3D Numpy's meshgrid is very useful for converting.. meshgrid in 3D Numpy's meshgrid is very useful for converting two vectors to a coordinate..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


# Using Numpy def ambi_sieve n # http tommih.blogspot.com 2009 04 fast prime..

Installing scipy with pip


12 2012 pip install git http github.com scipy scipy Since Numpy is a dependency it should be installed as well. share improve..

Peak detection in a 2D array


matplotlib.pyplot as pp #for some reason I had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header. paws_data np.loadtxt paws.txt .reshape..

View onto a numpy array?


10GB 3D arrays of uint8's so I worry about this a lot... Numpy can be very efficient at memory management if you keep a few..

Efficient Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array


Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array I have an array like this.. and I'm trying to find an efficient way of doing this in Numpy. Currently I am using vstack and a for loop which is slow. Is..

Is shared readonly data copied to different processes for Python multiprocessing?


the shared memory stuff from multiprocessing together with Numpy fairly easily import multiprocessing import ctypes import numpy..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


or other excluded POSIX math functions in Python Use Numpy import numpy numpy.nextafter 0 1 4.9406564584124654e 324 numpy.nextafter..

How to get indices of N maximum values in a numpy array?


to get indices of N maximum values in a numpy array Numpy proposes a way to get the index of the maximum value of an array..

How to install python modules without root access?


to do work. I want to run my computationally intensive Numpy matplotlib scipy code on that machine but I cannot install these..

What does the Python Ellipsis object do?


is used in some obscure variant of the slicing syntax by Numpy and Scipy... but almost nothing else. Was this object added.. this object added to the language specifically to support Numpy Scipy Does Ellipsis have any generic meaning or use at all D..

Numpy: Should I use newaxis or None?


Should I use newaxis or None In numpy one can use the 'newaxis'..

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


is not so good to work with compared to Python lists or NumPy arrays. And I think soon its development will be stopped. Earlier.. the latest one is cv2 . In this everything is returned as NumPy objects like ndarray and native Python objects like lists tuples.. objects like lists tuples dictionary etc. So due to this NumPy support you can do any numpy operation here. NumPy is a highly..

Large, persistent DataFrame in pandas


could transcribe the file row by row into a pre allocated NumPy array or memory mapped file np.mmap but it's one I'll be working..

Python List vs. Array - when to use?


array of numeric data then you're much better off using NumPy which can automatically vectorize operations on complex multi..

Pretty-printing of numpy.array


prevent zeros from being stripped from the end of floats NumPy strips zeros from the end of floats by default. Unfortunately..

Simple wrapping of C code with cython


0.14. First read or skim Cython build and Cython with NumPy . 2 steps python f setup.py build_ext inplace turns f.pyx and.. .pyx files in just about any SciKit . See also Cython for NumPy users and SO questions tagged cython . To unpack the following..

Converting numpy dtypes to native python types


share improve this question Use asscalar to convert most NumPy values to a native Python type import numpy as np type np.asscalar.. 0 # type 'datetime.timedelta' ... Read more in the NumPy manual . For the curious to build a table of conversions for.. name npn.dtype.char type nat except pass There are a few NumPy types that have no native Python equivalent on some systems..

Why NumPy instead of Python lists?


NumPy instead of Python lists Is it worth my learning NumPy I have.. NumPy instead of Python lists Is it worth my learning NumPy I have approximately 100 financial markets series and I am going.. errors. I have heard that for large matrices I should use NumPy as opposed to Python lists for performance and scalability reasons...