

python Programming Glossary: nsstring

run a simple python script in ios


like to save the result for the following method in a NSString variable. def doSomething someInfos test return someInfos python.. example PyObject pName pModule pDict pFunc pArgs pValue NSString nsString Initialize the Python Interpreter Py_Initialize Build.. pValue PyObject PyUnicode_Type nsString NSString stringWithCharacters PyUnicodeObject pValue str length PyUnicodeObject..

Calling Python from Objective-C


I.e. @interface Abstract NSObject unsigned int foo NSString aBar newConcrete @end @implementation Abstract unsigned int.. newConcrete @end @implementation Abstract unsigned int foo NSString aBar return 42 newConcrete return NSClassFromString @ MyConcrete..

URL encoding/decoding with Python


toolkit's gtm_stringByEscapingForURLArgument to convert an NSString properly for passing into HTTP arguments. 2 On my server python..

Is possible send a array in Obj-c for a variable arguments function?


with variable parameters I have this BOOL executeUpdate NSString sql ... And the manual way is do this db executeUpdate @ insert.. e values @ hi' look I put in a ' and I'm not escaping it NSString stringWithFormat @ number d i NSNumber numberWithInt i NSDate.. I want NSMutableArray values NSMutableArray array for NSString fieldName in props .. .. values addObject value db executeUpdate..

Running Python script from Cocoa application using GCD


return YES Py_SetProgramName usr bin python Py_Initialize NSString scriptPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MyScript ofType.. back on the main thread once all the scripts has completed NSString runPythonScript NSTask task NSTask alloc init autorelease task.launchPath.. alloc init autorelease task.launchPath @ usr bin python NSString scriptPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MyScript ofType..