

python Programming Glossary: np.set_printoptions

Is there easy way in python to extrapolate data points to the future?


1 for year in range 2005 2006 1 for month in range 1 12 1 np.set_printoptions 1 # .1f print days days print values values print dayswanted..

My own OCR-program in Python


if bbb threshold area x y 1 if bbb threshold area x y 0 np.set_printoptions threshold 'nan' linewidth 10 #matrix transponation ccc np.array..

Pretty-printing of numpy.array


0.1023732 # 0.51303098 0.4617183 0.33487207 0.71162095 np.set_printoptions precision 3 print x # 0.078 0.48 0.413 0.83 0.776 0.102 0.513.. 1.5e 10 1.5 1500 print y # 1.500e 10 1.500e 00 1.500e 03 np.set_printoptions suppress True print y # 0. 1.5 1500. See the docs for set_printoptions.. def printoptions args kwargs original np.get_printoptions np.set_printoptions args kwargs yield np.set_printoptions original For example inside..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


sys.argv 1 # python this.py N ... np.random.seed seed np.set_printoptions 3 threshold 100 suppress True # .3f print nInvdisttree N d Ndim..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


seed 1 exec n .join sys.argv 1 # run this.py N ... np.set_printoptions 1 threshold 200 edgeitems 5 suppress True np.random.seed seed..