

python Programming Glossary: np.shape

OpenCV dot target detection not finding all targets, and found circles are offset


gray cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 3 100 None 200 100 5 16 try n np.shape circles circles np.reshape circles n 1 n 2 print circles for..

Detecting a pixelated image in python


def detect_pixellated fp img misc.imread fp width height np.shape img 0 2 # Pixel change to detect edge threshold 20 for x in..

Deleting and Redrawing Matplotlib Animation


z np.array sin q for q in theta zdata z np.ones np.shape xdata if not hasattr self 'plot_handle' plot_handle self.axes.plot.. z np.array sin q for q in theta zdata z np.ones np.shape xdata if not hasattr self 'plot_handle' plot_handle self.axes.plot..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


q k nnear eps eps interpol np.zeros len self.distances np.shape self.z 0 jinterpol 0 for dist ix in zip self.distances self.ix..

numpy.genfromtxt produces array of what looks like tuples, not a 2D array?”why?


When I look at the results it is a 1D array not a 2D array np.shape a 918 It seems to be an array of tuples instead a 0 '06 03 2006'.. the genfromtxt call it works fine and produces a 2D array np.shape a 918 24 python import numpy genfromtxt share improve this..