

python Programming Glossary: npy_intp

Why is matrix multiplication faster with numpy than with ctypes in Python?


npy_timedelta# static void @name@_dot char ip1 npy_intp is1 char ip2 npy_intp is2 char op npy_intp n void NPY_UNUSED.. static void @name@_dot char ip1 npy_intp is1 char ip2 npy_intp is2 char op npy_intp n void NPY_UNUSED ignore @out@ tmp @out@.. char ip1 npy_intp is1 char ip2 npy_intp is2 char op npy_intp n void NPY_UNUSED ignore @out@ tmp @out@ 0 npy_intp i for i..

Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV


size_t step CV_MAX_DIM 1 elemsize CV_ELEM_SIZE1 type const npy_intp _sizes PyArray_DIMS o const npy_intp _strides PyArray_STRIDES.. type const npy_intp _sizes PyArray_DIMS o const npy_intp _strides PyArray_STRIDES o bool transposed false for int i 0.. depth CV_64F NPY_DOUBLE f NPY_ULONGLONG f^1 NPY_UINT int i npy_intp _sizes CV_MAX_DIM 1 for i 0 i dims i _sizes i sizes i if cn..