

python Programming Glossary: np.uint8

Numpy/Python: Array iteration without for-loop


# generate 2d data a np.array np.random.rand 5 5 10 dtype np.uint8 # check all neighbours for ax in range len a.shape for i in..

How to update image in tkinter label?


Negative Menu callback I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray np.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2.image photo2 # keep..

Python 32-bit memory limits on 64bit windows


data 'arr_0' is of type np.float32 and 'arr_1' is of type np.uint8 The python script reads each file appends their data into two..

Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?


consider the following In 1 x 255 np.ones 100 dtype np.uint8 In 2 x Out 2 array 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255..

2d convolution using python and numpy


nc data c np.convolve data c H_c 'same' data data.astype np.uint8 It does not produce the output that I was expecting does this..

How do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk?


if __name__ '__main__' N 10 arr shm.zeros N dtype np.uint8 q mp.JoinableQueue proc mp.Process target worker args q arr..

Efficient method of calculating density of irregularly spaced points


xl yl xi yi dfactor zz np.empty len xi len yi dtype np.uint8 zipped zip xl yl kdtree KDTree zipped for xci in range 0 len.. time.clock t0 sec cmap cm.jet A cmap zd 256.0 255 .astype np.uint8 #A 3 zd plt.imshow A origin 'lower' extent view_xmin view_xmax..

Performance comparison of OpenCV-Python interfaces, cv and cv2


0 height width gray.shape h np.empty height width 3 np.uint8 t time.time for i in xrange height for j in xrange width k gray.item.. 0 255 i else palette.append i 0 0 palette np.array palette np.uint8 h2 palette gray print time.time t print np.all h h2 The output..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


im cv2.imread 'pi.png' out np.zeros im.shape np.uint8 gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY thresh cv2.adaptiveThreshold..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


2 l_red 1 cv2.CV_AA h w orig.shape 2 vis np.zeros h w 2 5 np.uint8 vis cv2.cvtColor vis cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR vis h w orig vis h w..