

python Programming Glossary: np.random.seed

Add separate colors for two (or more) specific values in color plot and color bar


more special values. import numpy as np from pylab import np.random.seed 10 a np.random.randint 1 10 size 5 5 print a fig ax plt.subplots.. as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt N 10 np.random.seed 10 a np.random.randint 1 N size 5 5 print a fig ax plt.subplots..

how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib


# Generate a random sample of `n` points in 2 d. np.random.seed 12312 n 100 x np.random.multivariate_normal 0 0 np.array 4.0..

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


# Make random number generation consistent between runs np.random.seed 5 def main numlines numpoints 2 3 lines np.random.random numlines.. # Make random number generation consistent between runs np.random.seed 5 def main numlines numpoints 2 3 points np.random.random numlines.. # Make random number generation consistent between runs np.random.seed 5 def main numlines numpoints 10000 3 lines np.random.random..

Adding water flow arrows to Matplotlib Contour Plot


Rbf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Make data repeatable np.random.seed 1981 # Generate some random wells with random head water table..

How do I resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' error with scikit-learn digits dataset?


data # A random permutation to split the data randomly np.random.seed 0 indices np.random.permutation len iris_X iris_X_train iris_X..

matplotlib change linewidth on line segments, using list


as plt from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection np.random.seed 1977 x np.arange 10 y np.cos x np.pi width 20 np.random.random.. Example import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt np.random.seed 1977 x np.arange 10 y np.cos x np.pi width 0.5 np.random.random..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


.25 seed 1 exec n .join sys.argv 1 # python this.py N ... np.random.seed seed np.set_printoptions 3 threshold 100 suppress True # .3f..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


1 threshold 200 edgeitems 5 suppress True np.random.seed seed random.seed seed print N d dim d ncluster d kmsample d..

Convolution computations in Numpy/Scipy


res1 res2 if __name__ __main__ np.random.seed 0x1234ABCD test N C python numpy scipy convolution share..

Is there a function to make scatterplot matrices in matplotlib?


numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main np.random.seed 1977 numvars numdata 4 10 data 10 np.random.random numvars numdata..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


random data that emulates your indeded code NCURVES 10 np.random.seed 101 curves np.random.random 20 for i in range NCURVES values..

Matplotlib 3D scatter color lost after redraw


RdYlGn # added a seed so consistant plotting of points np.random.seed 101 x np.random.rand 30 y np.random.rand 30 z np.random.rand..

Defining a discrete colormap for imshow in matplotlib


as plt from matplotlib import colors import numpy as np np.random.seed 101 zvals np.random.rand 100 100 10 # make a color map of fixed..