

python Programming Glossary: np.vstack

avarage of a number of arrays with numpy without considering zero values


553.0 507.5 Or maybe a nicer alternative A np.vstack a b c np.average A axis 0 weights A.astype bool array 167.33333333..

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


by x and y into an array of individual segments. points np.vstack x y .T.reshape 1 1 2 points np.concatenate points 1 points 1.. zip interp item num 20 for item in points segments np.vstack segments color_scalar np.hstack color_scalar fig ax plt.subplots.. by x and y into an array of individual segments. points np.vstack x y .T.reshape 1 1 2 points np.concatenate points 1 points 1..

How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python


1 n # build A combine all blocks coeff_mat np.hstack np.vstack n_to_M n_to_N np.vstack m_to_M m_to_N # const vector right.. all blocks coeff_mat np.hstack np.vstack n_to_M n_to_N np.vstack m_to_M m_to_N # const vector right side of eq. const n np.ones..

more efficient way to calculate distance in numpy?


by arranging data differently in memory precomputed_flat np.vstack svf.flatten shf.flatten measured_flat np.vstack VVmeasured.flatten.. np.vstack svf.flatten shf.flatten measured_flat np.vstack VVmeasured.flatten HHmeasured.flatten deltas precomputed_flat..

indexing spherical subset of 3d grid data in numpy


#Generate grid of points X Y Z np.meshgrid x y z data np.vstack X.ravel Y.ravel Z.ravel .T distance sp.distance.cdist data center.reshape..

Solving non-linear equations in python


In python this would translate to def invert f x y z G np.vstack np.ones_like x x y z .T m _ _ _ np.linalg.lstsq G f d e f g.. b c x y z observation_points return func x y z a b c xdata np.vstack x y z model cov opt.curve_fit wrapped_func xdata f return model.. c z a b np.sin c return f def linear_invert f x y z G np.vstack np.ones_like x x y z .T m _ _ _ np.linalg.lstsq G f d e f g..

How to sort my paws?


xi yi # Resample the values onto the 20x20 grid coords np.vstack yi.flatten xi.flatten zi map_coordinates paw coords zi zi.reshape..

Efficient Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array


I wish to use B A 0 length 1 for i in range 1 length B np.vstack B A i i width 1 python numpy share improve this question.. For example using a np.arange 100000 and window 3 timeit np.vstack a i i window for i in xrange window .T 1000 loops best of 3..

How to add items into a numpy array


the functions that do this are for 2 D arrays np.hstack np.vstack np.column_stack np.row_stack for 3 D arrays the above plus np.dstack..

How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy array?


cubic interpolation zi scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates z np.vstack x y # Plot... fig axes plt.subplots nrows 2 axes 0 .imshow z..