

python Programming Glossary: nsample

How to detect a Christmas Tree?


algorithm X np.transpose np.where binimg 255 Xslice X nsample len Xslice if nsample maxpoints # Make sure number of points.. np.where binimg 255 Xslice X nsample len Xslice if nsample maxpoints # Make sure number of points does not exceed DBSCAN.. does not exceed DBSCAN maximum capacity Xslice X range 0 nsample int ceil float nsample maxpoints # Translate DBSCAN proximity..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


def kmeanssample X k nsample 0 kwargs 2 pass kmeans fast for large N 1 kmeans a random sample.. 2 pass kmeans fast for large N 1 kmeans a random sample of nsample ~ sqrt N from X 2 full kmeans starting from those centres #.. N^1 2 N^1 2 of that # seed like sklearn N dim X.shape if nsample 0 nsample max 2 np.sqrt N 10 k Xsample randomsample X int nsample..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


implementation centres xtoc dist kmeanssample points 2 nsample 2 delta kmdelta maxiter kmiter metric metric verbose 0 print..