

python Programming Glossary: nt

how to submit query to .aspx page in python


needed to pass the content type. headers 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko.. headers 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 2009073022 Firefox 3.0.13' 'HTTP_ACCEPT'.. more of these ASP form fields r'__VIEWSTATE' r'' r'__EVENTVALIDATION' r' wEWDwL raDpAgKnpt8nAs3q pQOAs3q pQOAs3qgpUOAs3qhpUOAoPE36ANAve684YCAoOs79EIAoOs89EIAoOs99EIAoOs39EIAoOs49EIAoOs09EIAoSs99EI6IQ74SEV9n4XbtWm1rEbB6Ic3..

Suspicious Operation Django


is defined just above this routine and is different for NT than for other OSes . abspathu converts all non absolute paths..

Logging into facebook with python


urlencoded' 'User Agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20091221 Firefox 3.5.7 .NET CLR 3.5.30729..

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request


'User Agent' Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 SV1 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 .NET CLR 2.0.50727 .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30.. 'User Agent' Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 SV1 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 .NET CLR 2.0.50727 .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30..

Unicode vs UTF-8 confusion in Python / Django?


œUnicode to mean specifically the UTF 16LE encoding that NT uses internally. People from Microsoftland may often copy this..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


'User agent' 'Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 5.5 Windows NT ' try # create a request object req Request theurl data txheaders.. 'User agent' 'Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 ' 'Windows NT 5.2 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 ' # need this twice once to set cookies..

How do I get Python's Mechanize to POST an ajax request?


req.add_header User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100713 Firefox 3.6.7 req.add_header..

Blank Page But No Error - Python Appengine


570cpu_ms 383api_cpu_ms 0kb Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.0 en US AppleWebKit 534.13 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 9.0.597.19.. 48 0800 GET HTTP 1.1 200 124 Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.0 en US AppleWebKit 534.13 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 9.0.597.19..

Why don't scripting languages output Unicode to the Windows console?


for at least a decade and perhaps as far back as Windows NT. However for some reason the major cross platform scripting.. OS with decent for its time Unicode support was Windows NT 3.1 released in 1993 long before Linux and OS X grew Unicode..

Python's os.path choking on Hebrew filenames


True Some important observations here Windows XP like all NT derivatives stores all filenames in unicode os.listdir and similar..

Help me understand why Unicode only works sometimes with Python


1252 Russian used KOI8 R or windows 1251 etc. When Windows NT added support for Unicode int the early days when it was assumed..

How to properly use mechanize to scrape AJAX sites


br.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.1 en US rv Gecko 20110319 Firefox 3.6.16' 'Accept.. 'User agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.1 en US rv Gecko 20110319 Firefox 3.6.16' br.addheaders.append..

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?


Header 'User Agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100722 Firefox 3.6.8 GTB7.1 .NET..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


import codecs from ctypes import WINFUNCTYPE windll POINTER byref c_int from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL HANDLE DWORD.. 0x8000 GetConsoleMode WINFUNCTYPE BOOL HANDLE POINTER DWORD GetConsoleMode windll.kernel32 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.. WriteConsoleW WINFUNCTYPE BOOL HANDLE LPWSTR DWORD POINTER DWORD LPVOID WriteConsoleW windll.kernel32 class UnicodeOutput..

How to create Celery Windows Service?


class CeleryService win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework NT Service. d DefaultSettings service_name service_display_name..

Eclipse, PyDev and Python configuration error


installed the plugin. However when trying to configure my interpreter Python 3.2.3 I always get an error and don't know how.. needed info from the system. This usually means that your interpreter is not in the system PATH. com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.MalformedByteSequenceException.. is not in the system PATH. com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.MalformedByteSequenceException Invalid byte 2 of..

Check if a file is not open( not used by other process) in Python


logs in file. The log file will be rollovered in certain interval. for keeping the log files small. 2. There has another.. ex Move the log files to other place parse the log's content to generate some log reports. But there has a condition is.. ex Move the log files to other place parse the log's content to generate some log reports. But there has a condition is the..

Python - Get localhost IP [duplicate]


generally use this code import os import socket if os.name nt import fcntl import struct def get_interface_ip ifname s socket.socket.. this code import os import socket if os.name nt import fcntl import struct def get_interface_ip ifname s socket.socket socket.AF_INET.. socket if os.name nt import fcntl import struct def get_interface_ip ifname s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_DGRAM..

Convolution of two three dimensional arrays with padding on one side too slow


arrays with padding on one side too slow In my current project I need to convolve two three dimensional arrays in a.. dimensions dimA and dimB same for every axis . Now we want to create a third array C with the dimensions dimA dimB for.. array C with the dimensions dimA dimB for every axis. The entries of C are computed as c_ x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2 a_ x1 y1 z1 b_..

os.path.islink on windows with python


is that you're using too old a version of Python. If you want to stick to 2.x you will not be able to take advantage of new.. you want to stick to 2.x you will not be able to take advantage of new features added after early 2010. One of those features.. NTFS symlinks before then is that there was no such thing until late 2009. IIRC support was included in the 6.0 kernel but..

Prevent a console app from closing when not invoked from an existing terminal?


a console app from closing when not invoked from an existing.. not invoked from an existing terminal There are many variants on this kind of question. However I am specifically after a.. of question. However I am specifically after a way to prevent a console application in Python from closing when it is not..

Python Application does nothing


Home LocalComputer #Acquires user information if os.name nt Home.ComputerName os.getenv COMPUTERNAME Home.Username os.getenv.. os.getenv HOME return Home def MainShellLoop print Dash Shell Home InitInformation userinput None currentdir Home.Homedir.. print Dash Shell Home InitInformation userinput None currentdir Home.Homedir while userinput exit rightnow datetime.datetime.now..

fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing


exponential decay with no initial guessing Does anyone know a scipy.. know a scipy numpy module which will allow to fit exponential decay to data Google search returned a few blog posts for.. http exnumerus.blogspot.com 2010 04 how to fit exponential decay example in.html but that solution requires y offset..

When to use os.name, sys.platform, or platform.system?


v.s. time.time on UNIX . My question is why 3 different ways of doing this When should one way be used and not another.. is the 'best' most future proof or least likely to accidentally exclude a particular system which your program can actually.. you to distinguish win32 from cygwin as opposed to just nt and linux2 from darwin as opposed to just posix . But if that's..