

python Programming Glossary: nu

Why is the PyObjC documentation so bad? [closed]


from any language that uses Cocoa. PyObjC RubyCocoa Nu and others are niches at best and all of them were developed..

Is it possible to create encodeb64 from Image object?


EbeKfClpqciqs7ZSZU6B1OD fX8apMR0dFFFMAooooAKKKKACiiigD5u NuqzXvjo2DcQ2MKIg93UMT o Kt wJ4As7LT4NR1O3Sa lUSKkgysQ7cetYPju2Gq.. DtZNum YWU21f AGvjl DSAA2DS76jzSHjvSAl3CkJqEHNPzQBID83pUvT3quDzT1bNAEoJGKeDUOcUoegCyHx7.. N8bL8Q5mOMNbxFcemMf0rzVq9J Nu AIWJcb8bfs8W3Hpt wAc15sxqRDDzSCn96aRg0AKKeDUfHSnA tAEymuu Gz7PiForetwB..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


1 398600 Mu 2 G mm Mu Mu 1 Mu 2 CapitalOmega Sqrt Mu r12^3 Nu Pi 4 xl4 384400 2 4671 yl4 Sqrt 3 2 384400 N Solve CapitalOmega.. ^2 xl4^2 yl4^2 2 Mu 1 r12 2 Mu 2 r12 2 C 0 C x re 200 Cos Nu Pi 2 r12 N y re 200 Sin Nu N C 1.56824 19.3098 4651.35 vbo Sqrt.. 2 Mu 2 r12 2 C 0 C x re 200 Cos Nu Pi 2 r12 N y re 200 Sin Nu N C 1.56824 19.3098 4651.35 vbo Sqrt CapitalOmega ^2 x ^2 y..

Scrapy spider is not working


a new project with python scrapy ctl.py startproject Nu I followed the tutorial exactly and created the folders and.. import HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.item import Item from Nu.items import NuItem from urls import u class NuSpider CrawlSpider.. from scrapy.item import Item from Nu.items import NuItem from urls import u class NuSpider CrawlSpider domain_name..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


am 5947 km away. The codes are listed below Python import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot.. as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from numpy import linspace from scipy.optimize import brentq me 5.974.. grav param of the moon mu mue mum omega np.sqrt mu r12 3 nu np.pi 4 # true anomaly pick yourself xl4 r12 2 4671 # x location..

Matplotlib, adding text with more than one line. Adding text that can follow the curve


do this Here is the code that implements the figure import numpy as np import pylab r1 1 # AU Earth r2 1.524 # AU Mars.. pylab r1 1 # AU Earth r2 1.524 # AU Mars deltanu 75 np.pi 180 # angle in radians mu 38.86984154054163 c np.sqrt.. 38.86984154054163 c np.sqrt r1 2 r2 2 2 r1 r2 np.cos deltanu s r1 r2 c 2 am s 2 def g a alphag 2 np.pi 2 np.arcsin np.sqrt..

How to implement C-like unsigned int 32 in Python with no external dependencies?


in one of the answers to my other question I used to use numpy.uint32 for this purpose but it feels too silly to add such.. 7 # will be 2 32 later on class u32 def __init__ self num 0 base None print num if base is None self.int int num MODULO.. later on class u32 def __init__ self num 0 base None print num if base is None self.int int num MODULO else self.int int num..

Python - Encoding string - Swedish Letters


to do elif cmd in 'help' 'hjälp' 'info' buffert 'Just nu är programmet relativt begränsat nDe funktioner du har att använda.. ' core 'goalTime' raw_input swedify 'Vad är ditt mål i minuter att springa ' core 'goalDistance' 'km på ' Then i get this..