

python Programming Glossary: nr

Tkinter custom window


g2 g1 limit b_ratio float b2 b1 limit for i in range limit nr int r1 r_ratio i ng int g1 g_ratio i nb int b1 b_ratio i color.. g1 g_ratio i nb int b1 b_ratio i color # 4.4x 4.4x 4.4x nr ng nb self.create_line i 0 i height tags gradient fill color..

Mechanize not showing FB messages form


False br.open http facebook.com login.php br.select_form nr 0 br.form 'email' raw_input Email please br.form 'pass' raw_input..

when does Python allocate new memory for identical strings?


DE Delaware FL Florida GA Georgia def nid alist nr distinct ids return d ids d pickle len len set map id alist..

2d convolution using python and numpy


H_r for the rows and H_c for the columns data np.zeros nr nc dtype np.float32 #fill array with some data here then convolve.. array with some data here then convolve for r in range nr data r np.convolve data r H_r 'same' for c in range nc data..

Python Auto Fill with Mechanize


br.open 'http www.yourfavoritesite.com' br.select_form nr 0 #check yoursite forms to match the correct number br 'Username'..

Submitting a form in mechanize


'https www.example.com login' browser.select_form nr 0 browser.form 'j_username' 'username' browser.form 'j_password'.. body ` But I get errors when I try to use req.select_form nr 0 I assume this is probably from something along the lines of.. improve this question try again browser.select_form nr 0 instead of req.select_form nr 0 . after submitting or clicking..

How can I log into a website using python?


br.open 'https mog.com hp sign_in' br.select_form nr 0 br 'user login ' your_login br 'user password ' your_password..

Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate


r.read # Select the second index one form br.select_form nr 1 # User credentials br.form 'user' 'DUMMYUSERNAME' br.form.. the page which I believe is the text area br.select_form nr 7 #Change 'text' value to a testing string br.form 'text' this.. # Select the second index one form br.select_form nr 1 # User credentials br.form 'user' 'user' br.form 'passwd'..

Screenscaping aspx with Python Mechanize - Javascript form submission


.read Then we select the aspnet form br.select_form nr 0 #Select the first and only form it has no name so we reference..

unable to send data using urllib and urllib2 (python)


'webpage.com' email 'user@domain.com' br.select_form nr 0 br 'email' email br.form.add_file open 'filename' 'mime type'..

Using mechanize to login to a webpage


mech mechanize.Browser mech.open theurl mech.select_form nr 0 mech userid MYUSERNAME mech password MYPASSWORD results mech.submit..

scipy.optimize.leastsq with bound constraints


check_bounds X box print Xj not in box loj Xj hij return nr not in nX nbox len X len box assert nX nbox len X d len box..

How come I can't decrypted my AES encrypted message on someone elses AES decryptor?


192 since it's not evenly divided by 128 bits var rounds Nr 12 3 2 key iv md5_hash result data00 passwordArr.concat saltArr..

indexing spherical subset of 3d grid data in numpy


what I need points i0 j0 k0 floor x0 y0 z0 grid_spacing Nr i0 j0 k0 grid_spacing 2 for i in range i0 Nr i0 Nr for j in.. grid_spacing Nr i0 j0 k0 grid_spacing 2 for i in range i0 Nr i0 Nr for j in range j0 Nr j0 Nr for k in range k0 Nr k0 Nr.. Nr i0 j0 k0 grid_spacing 2 for i in range i0 Nr i0 Nr for j in range j0 Nr j0 Nr for k in range k0 Nr k0 Nr if norm..