

python Programming Glossary: np.sqrt

multidimensional confidence intervals


and height are full widths not radius width height 2 nstd np.sqrt vals ellip Ellipse xy pos width width height height angle theta..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


mum G mm # grav param of the moon mu mue mum omega np.sqrt mu r12 3 nu np.pi 4 # true anomaly pick yourself xl4 r12 2.. pick yourself xl4 r12 2 4671 # x location of L4 yl4 np.sqrt 3 2 r12 # y print The location of L4 is xl4 yl4 # Solve for.. print The satellite's initial position is x0 y0 vbo np.sqrt omega 2 x0 2 y0 2 2 mue np.sqrt x0 pi2 r12 2 y0 2 2 mum np.sqrt..

Python finite difference functions?


How to sort my paws?


basis_vecs basis_stds diff codebook scores diff diff diff np.sqrt diff.sum axis 1 return paw_code diff.argmin Here are some of..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


seed like sklearn N dim X.shape if nsample 0 nsample max 2 np.sqrt N 10 k Xsample randomsample X int nsample pass1centres randomsample..

Color matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient


5 5 0.25 Y np.arange 5 5 0.25 X Y np.meshgrid X Y R np.sqrt X 2 Y 2 Z np.sin R surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride.. 5 5 .25 Y np.arange 5 5 .25 X Y np.meshgrid X Y R np.sqrt X 2 Y 2 Z np.sin R Gx Gy np.gradient Z # gradients with respect..

How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy array?


plt # Generate some data... x y np.mgrid 5 5 0.1 5 5 0.1 z np.sqrt x 2 y 2 np.sin x 2 y 2 # Extract the line... # Make a line with.. plt # Generate some data... x y np.mgrid 5 5 0.1 5 5 0.1 z np.sqrt x 2 y 2 np.sin x 2 y 2 # Extract the line... # Make a line with.. plt # Generate some data... x y np.mgrid 5 5 0.1 5 5 0.1 z np.sqrt x 2 y 2 np.sin x 2 y 2 # Extract the line... # Make a line with..

how to plot a streamlines , when i know u and v components of velocity(numpy 2d arrays), using a plotting program in python?


3 3 100 u 1 x 2 y np.newaxis v 1 x y np.newaxis 2 speed np.sqrt u u v v plt.figure plt.subplot 121 streamplot x y u v density..