

python Programming Glossary: np.savetxt

Numpy loading csv TOO slow compared to Matlab


import numpy as np my_data np.random.rand 1500000 3 10 np.savetxt '. test.csv' my_data delimiter ' ' fmt ' .2f' And then I tried..

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?


works fine import numpy as np x np.arange 20 .reshape 4 5 np.savetxt 'test.txt' x While the same thing would fail with a rather uninformative.. array import numpy as np x np.arange 200 .reshape 4 5 10 np.savetxt 'test.txt' x One workaround is just to break the 3D or greater.. 5 10 with file 'test.txt' 'w' as outfile for slice_2d in x np.savetxt outfile slice_2d However our goal is to be clearly human readable..

Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)


length 1e6 ncols 20 data np.random.random length ncols np.savetxt 'large_text_file.csv' data delimiter ' ' def iter_loadtxt filename..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


responses.reshape responses.size 1 print training complete np.savetxt 'generalsamples.data' samples np.savetxt 'generalresponses.data'.. training complete np.savetxt 'generalsamples.data' samples np.savetxt 'generalresponses.data' responses Now we enter in to training..