

python Programming Glossary: np.dot

convert rgb image to grayscale in python


import matplotlib.image as mpimg def rgb2gray rgb return np.dot rgb ... 3 0.299 0.587 0.144 img mpimg.imread 'image.png' gray..

Calculate camera world position with OpenCV Python


the camera's position should be calculated like this x y z np.dot np.transpose rotation translation The coordinates I'm getting..

calling dot products and linear algebra operations in Cython?


faster. Example functions I'd like to call dot product np.dot matrix inversion np.linalg.inv matrix multiplication taking..

Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?


regardless of axes selection. The primary exception being np.dot as it calls DGEMM from a BLAS library. So why is np.einsum faster.. are equivalent The DGEMM case for completeness np.allclose np.dot arr_2D arr_2D np.einsum 'ij jk' arr_2D arr_2D True timeit np.einsum.. arr_2D arr_2D 10 loops best of 3 56.1 ms per loop timeit np.dot arr_2D arr_2D 100 loops best of 3 5.17 ms per loop The leading..

Speeding up a closest point on a hyperbolic paraboloid algorithm


0. 0. # Normalize segment and do edge tests ab ab AB test np.dot ac ab if test 0. return a AC 0. elif test AB return b BC 1... None while niter and error is None or error tol niter 1 u_ np.dot p_ v b a v c np.dot a v c a v c v_ np.dot p_ u a b u c np.dot.. error is None or error tol niter 1 u_ np.dot p_ v b a v c np.dot a v c a v c v_ np.dot p_ u a b u c np.dot b u c b u c error..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


if weights is not None w weights ix # 0 w np.sum w wz np.dot w self.z ix if self.stat self.wn 1 self.wsum w interpol jinterpol..

Matrix and array multiplication in numpy


numpy as np x np.arange 9 .reshape 3 3 y np.arange 3 print np.dot x y Or in newer versions of numpy simply use x.dot y Personally..

What are the differences between numpy arrays and matrices? Which one should I use?


6 4 To obtain the result of matrix multiplication you use np.dot print np.dot c d # 13 20 # 5 8 The operator also behaves differently.. the result of matrix multiplication you use np.dot print np.dot c d # 13 20 # 5 8 The operator also behaves differently print..

Fast tensor rotation with NumPy


can still make it two times faster def rotT T gggg return np.dot gggg.transpose 1 3 5 7 0 2 4 6 .reshape 81 81 T.reshape 81..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


B 1 1 # 14 15 # 20 21 # for preserving original shape B np.dot B np.array 0 1 1 0 print A # 1 0 3 2 5 4 # 7 6 9 8 11 10 # .....