

python Programming Glossary: np.linalg.norm

Speeding up a closest point on a hyperbolic paraboloid algorithm


the results ''' # Check if c is same as a or b ac c a AC np.linalg.norm ac if AC 0. return c 0. 0. bc c b BC np.linalg.norm bc if BC.. c a AC np.linalg.norm ac if AC 0. return c 0. 0. bc c b BC np.linalg.norm bc if BC 0. return c 0. 1. # See if segment length is 0 ab b.. 0. return c 0. 1. # See if segment length is 0 ab b a AB np.linalg.norm ab if AB 0. return a 0. 0. # Normalize segment and do edge tests..

How to apply numpy.linalg.norm to each row of a matrix?


to find a quicker way Or is it possible to apply np.linalg.norm to each row of a matrix python numpy share improve this question.. perhaps not as convenient In 48 timeit np.apply_along_axis np.linalg.norm 1 x 1000 loops best of 3 208 us per loop In 49 timeit np.sum.. speedups In 55 timeit np.apply_along_axis lambda row np.linalg.norm row ord 1 1 x 1000 loops best of 3 203 us per loop In 54 timeit..