

python Programming Glossary: np.frombuffer

Getting data from ctypes array into numpy


I was only able to get it into numpy via a super awkward np.frombuffer np.core.multiarray.int_asbuffer ctypes.addressof y.contents.. object has no attribute '__array_interface__' Is this np.frombuffer approach the best or only way to do this I am open to other..

How to convert pointer to c array to python array


Data were c_double DataLength.value array then you could a np.frombuffer Data # no copy. Changes in `a` are reflected in `Data` If Data.. DataLength.value addr ctypes.addressof Data.contents a np.frombuffer ArrayType.from_address addr Or array_pointer ctypes.cast Data.. array_pointer ctypes.cast Data ctypes.POINTER ArrayType a np.frombuffer array_pointer.contents Both methods convert POINTER c_double..

Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing


array with shared_arr.get_lock # synchronize access arr np.frombuffer shared_arr.get_obj # no data copying arr i arr i Example import.. not passed as an argument def tonumpyarray mp_arr return np.frombuffer mp_arr.get_obj def f i synchronized. with shared_arr.get_lock..

Can I create a shared multiarray or lists of lists object in python for multiprocessing?


in each new process create a new numpy array using arr np.frombuffer mp_arr.get_obj # mp_arr and arr share the same memory # make..