

python Programming Glossary: np.random.rand

Animate quadratic grid changes (matshow)


def generate_data a np.arange 25 .reshape 5 5 b 10 np.random.rand 5 5 return a b def update data mat.set_data data return mat..

Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid


180 0.5 alts np.arange 1 1000 21.717 time np.arange 8 data np.random.rand len lats len lons len alts len time .reshape len lats len lons.. 180 0.5 alts np.arange 1 1000 21.717 time np.arange 8 data np.random.rand len lats len lons len alts len time .reshape len lats len lons..

Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?


np column_labels list 'ABCD' row_labels list 'WXYZ' data np.random.rand 4 4 fig ax plt.subplots heatmap ax.pcolor data cmap plt.cm.Blues..

Moving x-axis to the top of a plot in matplotlib


np column_labels list 'ABCD' row_labels list 'WXYZ' data np.random.rand 4 4 fig ax plt.subplots heatmap ax.pcolor data cmap plt.cm.Blues.. np column_labels list 'ABCD' row_labels list 'WXYZ' data np.random.rand 4 4 fig ax plt.subplots heatmap ax.pcolor data cmap plt.cm.Blues..

more efficient way to calculate distance in numpy?


timings are rather enlightening len_a len_b 10000 1000 a np.random.rand 2 len_a b np.random.rand 2 len_b c np.random.rand len_a 2 d.. len_a len_b 10000 1000 a np.random.rand 2 len_a b np.random.rand 2 len_b c np.random.rand len_a 2 d np.random.rand len_b 2 In.. 1000 a np.random.rand 2 len_a b np.random.rand 2 len_b c np.random.rand len_a 2 d np.random.rand len_b 2 In 3 timeit a None b ... None..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


cols axis 1 return np.concatenate rows axis 0 R np.random.rand 128 128 passthrough lambda x x Rprime segmented_process R blk_size..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 projection '3d' x y np.random.rand 2 100 4 hist xedges yedges np.histogram2d x y bins 4 elements..

Color values in imshow for matplotlib?


Specifically I'm thinking about a case like this imshow np.random.rand 10 10 255 interpolation 'nearest' Thanks Erin python matplotlib.. import pyplot as plt import numpy as np im plt.imshow np.random.rand 10 10 255 interpolation 'nearest' fig plt.gcf ax plt.gca class..

Matplotlib 3D scatter color lost after redraw


import Axes3D # Create Map cm plt.get_cmap RdYlGn x np.random.rand 30 y np.random.rand 30 z np.random.rand 30 col np.arange 30.. # Create Map cm plt.get_cmap RdYlGn x np.random.rand 30 y np.random.rand 30 z np.random.rand 30 col np.arange 30 fig plt.figure ax3D.. RdYlGn x np.random.rand 30 y np.random.rand 30 z np.random.rand 30 col np.arange 30 fig plt.figure ax3D fig.add_subplot 111..