

python Programming Glossary: np.hstack

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


item in points segments np.vstack segments color_scalar np.hstack color_scalar fig ax plt.subplots coll LineCollection segments.. for item in lines segments np.vstack segments color_scalar np.hstack color_scalar fig ax plt.subplots coll LineCollection segments..

How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python


0 np.arange 1 n # build A combine all blocks coeff_mat np.hstack np.vstack n_to_M n_to_N np.vstack m_to_M m_to_N # const vector..

Flatten a nested list of variable sized sublists into a SciPy array


improve this question How about np.fromiter In 49 timeit np.hstack lst 1000 10 loops best of 3 25.2 ms per loop In 50 timeit np.array..

python: how to plot one line in different colors


# x0 y0 x1 y1 x0 y0 x1 y1 ... xy xy.reshape 1 1 2 segments np.hstack xy 1 xy 1 fig ax plt.subplots coll LineCollection segments cmap..

location of array of values in numpy array


feeling there is one . However this will get the job done np.hstack np.where A values i .all axis 1 0 for i in xrange len values..

Fourier space filtering


OneOverF N import numpy as np N2 N 2 #N has to be even x np.hstack 1 np.arange 1 N2 1 np.arange N2 1 0 1 hf 1 2 np.pi x N2 ht np.real..

Faster numpy cartesian to spherical coordinate conversion?


cart2sph x y z for x y z in pts def appendSpherical xyz np.hstack xyz cart2sphA xyz python numpy coordinate share improve this.. built in vectorization def appendSpherical_np xyz ptsnew np.hstack xyz np.zeros xyz.shape xy xyz 0 2 xyz 1 2 ptsnew 3 np.sqrt xy..

How to add items into a numpy array


and the functions that do this are for 2 D arrays np.hstack np.vstack np.column_stack np.row_stack for 3 D arrays the above..

Intraday candlestick charts using MatPlotLib


the gap between the days when plotting the data data2 np.hstack np.arange data 0 .size np.newaxis data 1 # plot the data fig..

scipy.optimize.leastsq with bound constraints


if bounds is not None and boundsweight 0 funcbox lambda p np.hstack func p _inbox p bounds boundsweight else funcbox func return..