

python Programming Glossary: np.max

How to generate audio from a numpy array?


44100 random samples between 1 and 1 scaled np.int16 data np.max np.abs data 32767 write 'test.wav' 44100 scaled If you want..

python max of list of arrays


a key tuple array 8 3 Note this is the builtin max and not np.max EDIT For multi dimensional arrays use the .tolist method max..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


maplotlib.cm.get_cmap 'jet' normed_data data np.min data np.max data np.min data mapped_data my_cm normed_data which will give..

numpy 3d to 2d transformation based on 2d mask array


26 I know I can get the maximum along a certain axis using np.max axis ... a.max axis 2 array 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 Alternatively..

Python: max/min builtin functions depend on parameter order


1 is not larger than nan nan is returned. PS. Note that np.max treats float 'nan' differently In 36 import numpy as np In 91.. float 'nan' differently In 36 import numpy as np In 91 np.max 1 float 'nan' Out 91 nan In 92 np.max float 'nan' 1 Out 92 nan.. numpy as np In 91 np.max 1 float 'nan' Out 91 nan In 92 np.max float 'nan' 1 Out 92 nan but if you wish to ignore np.nan s..

matplotlib color in 3d plotting from an x,y,z data set without using contour


linewidth 1 antialiased True ax.set_zlim3d np.min Z np.max Z fig.colorbar surf plt.show Please note that if you consider..

Plotting implicit equations in 3d


y z for fn in fns 0 def intersect fns return lambda x y z np.max fn x y z for fn in fns 0 def subtract fn1 fn2 return intersect..

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?


D i ind for k ind in enumerate kIndices if cIDX i k s b a np.maximum a b return s def main # load Iris dataset data datasets.load_iris.. indices np.flatnonzero cIDX order k for k in range K ytick np.max ind np.min ind 2 for ind in indices ytickLabels d x for x in..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


... 3 rgb ... 3 r g b rgb ... 0 rgb ... 1 rgb ... 2 maxc np.max rgb ... 2 axis 1 minc np.min rgb ... 2 axis 1 hsv ... 2 maxc..

Python OpenCV - Find black areas in a binary image


only meaningful for a one channel img.. MaxIntensity np.max img regionMask MinIntensity np.min img regionMask # Mean Intensity..