

python Programming Glossary: np.ones

Using multiprocessing.Manager.list instead of a real list makes the calculation take ages


'Initial free m '.format m free_memory N 15000 data np.ones N N logger.warn 'After allocating data m '.format m free_memory..

How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python


m_to_M m_to_N # const vector right side of eq. const n np.ones 2 n 1 1 return linalg.solve coeff_mat const Solution using scipy.sparse.. import numpy as np def solve n nrange np.arange n diag np.ones n 1 # upper left block n_to_M spdiags 2. diag 0 n 1 n 1 # lower.. m_to_M m_to_N # const vector right side of eq. const n np.ones 2 n 1 1 return spsolve coeff_mat.tocsr const .reshape 1 1 Example..

Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy


0.8 tmp 1 1.2 0.8 np.random.random_sample sy sz 0.8 tmp 2 np.ones sy sz tmp 3 np.ones sy sz np.pi 4 param_ref np.empty 4 sy sz.. sy sz 0.8 tmp 2 np.ones sy sz tmp 3 np.ones sy sz np.pi 4 param_ref np.empty 4 sy sz sx # param_ref in this..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


2000 np.outer np.sin phi np.sin theta yl4 zm 2000 np.outer np.ones np.size phi np.cos theta ax.plot_surface xm ym zm color '#696969'.. ym 2000 np.outer np.sin phi np.sin theta zm 2000 np.outer np.ones np.size phi np.cos theta ax.plot_surface xm ym zm color '#696969'..

Fast Way to slice image into overlapping patches and merge patches to image


lp lb indPatch np.reshape range lp lb lp lb indPatch2Img np.ones sImg 0 sImg 1 lp lp lb 1 # default value should be last column.. sImg pInd weights 1. unpatchify patchify np.ones sImg pInd pInd return weights # @profile def patchify img pInd..

Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?


accumulator. For example consider the following In 1 x 255 np.ones 100 dtype np.uint8 In 2 x Out 2 array 255 255 255 255 255 255.. dtype we'll still get the result you'd expect In 5 y 255 np.ones 100 In 6 np.einsum 'i ' y Out 6 25500.0 share improve this..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


Returns a array of primes p n assert n 2 sieve np.ones n 2 dtype np.bool for i in xrange 3 int n 0.5 1 2 if sieve i.. Input n 6 Returns a array of primes 2 p n sieve np.ones n 3 n 6 2 dtype np.bool sieve 0 False for i in xrange int n..

How to detect a Christmas Tree?


binimg interpolation 'nearest' cmap 'Greys' clustimg np.ones rgbimg.shape unique_labels set labels # Generate a unique color..

Simple wrapping of C code with cython


N dtype np.float64 b np.arange N dtype np.float64 z np.ones N dtype np.float64 np.NaN fret f.fpy N a b z print fpy fc z..

Running matplotlib in tkinter


u np.sin v y 10 np.outer np.sin u np.sin v z 10 np.outer np.ones np.size u np.cos v ax.plot_surface x y z rstride 4 cstride 4..

Numpy grouping using itertools.groupby performance


0 3298 size 35000000 dtype 'u4' values.sort dif np.ones values.shape values.dtype dif 1 np.diff values idx np.where..

Removing duplicate columns and rows from a NumPy 2D array


a order np.lexsort a.T a a order diff np.diff a axis 0 ui np.ones len a 'bool' ui 1 diff 0 .any axis 1 return a ui share improve..

How to apply a disc shaped mask to a numpy array?


shaped mask to a numpy array I have an array like this np.ones 8 8 array 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1...

How do i compute derivative using Numpy?
