

python Programming Glossary: np.loadtxt

major memory problems reading in a csv file using numpy


file into memory on my 16GB high memory EC2 instance data np.loadtxt 'rec_log_train.txt' the python session ate up all my memory..

Fit a gaussian function


as plt import numpy as np with open 'gau_b_g_s.csv' as f v np.loadtxt f delimiter ' ' dtype float skiprows 1 usecols None fig ax plt.subplots..

Figure GUI freezing


time plt.ion plt.figure i 0 while 1 taille 0 fichier np.loadtxt 'data US.SAVE' fichier1 np.loadtxt 'data cond.SAVE' taille1.. 1 taille 0 fichier np.loadtxt 'data US.SAVE' fichier1 np.loadtxt 'data cond.SAVE' taille1 np.size fichier1 1 taille np.size fichier..

Logarithmic y-axis bins in python


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data np.loadtxt 'foo.bar' fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 plt.hist data..

Numpy loading csv TOO slow compared to Matlab


np.genfromtxt '. test.csv' delimiter ' ' stmt2 my_data np.loadtxt '. test.csv' delimiter ' ' t1 timeit.timeit stmt stmt1 setup.. speed but This is much more than I expected Isn't it that np.loadtxt should be faster than np.genfromtxt I haven't tried python csv.. 14.5 s sys 396 ms total 14.9 s Wall time 14.9 s time d np.loadtxt . test.csv delimiter CPU times user 25.7 s sys 28 ms total 25.8..

Peak detection in a 2D array


keep it 'simple'. Here's a version that can be loaded with np.loadtxt Results So I tried @jextee's solution see the results below.. had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header. paws_data np.loadtxt paws.txt .reshape 4 11 14 #getting a list of images paws p.squeeze..

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?


to clarify things # Read the array from disk new_data np.loadtxt 'test.txt' # Note that this returned a 2D array print new_data.shape..

Recreating time series data using FFT results without using ifft


i np.cos i x Y.imag i np.sin i x return total tempdata np.loadtxt sunspots.dat year tempdata 0 wolfer tempdata 1 Y fft wolfer.. 2 pi N 1j np.sin x ctr 2 pi N return real total tempdata np.loadtxt sunspots.dat year tempdata 0 wolfer tempdata 1 Y fft wolfer..

Make a 2D pixel plot with matplotlib


as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm x y temp np.loadtxt 'data.txt' .T #Transposed for easier unpacking nrows ncols 100..

Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


scipy spatial tests data iris.txt' fp open fName X np.loadtxt fp fp.close ##### cluster data into K 1..10 clusters ##### K..

Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)


numpy.fromiter . If you have enough ram consider using np.loadtxt 'yourfile.txt' delimiter ' ' You may also need to specify skiprows..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


numpy as np import cv2 fn 'letter recognition.data' a np.loadtxt fn np.float32 delimiter ' ' converters 0 lambda ch ord ch ord.. numpy as np ####### training part ############### samples np.loadtxt 'generalsamples.data' np.float32 responses np.loadtxt 'generalresponses.data'.. np.loadtxt 'generalsamples.data' np.float32 responses np.loadtxt 'generalresponses.data' np.float32 responses responses.reshape..

Intraday candlestick charts using MatPlotLib


I'm using the time you formated into an ordinal float data np.loadtxt 'finance data.txt' delimiter ' ' # determine number of days..